SAI Recruitment 2023: New Notification Out for Consultant, Check Vacancies, Post, Age, Qualification, Salary and Application Procedure

SAI is looking for qualified and experienced candidates for the post of Consultant in various fields. There are 02 vacancies open. The walk-in interview will be held on 10.10.2023 and 11.10.2023 from 10:00 onwards.

SAI Recruitment 2023 for Consultant

Khushi Vishwakarma | Sep 29, 2023 |

SAI Recruitment 2023: New Notification Out for Consultant, Check Vacancies, Post, Age, Qualification, Salary and Application Procedure

SAI Recruitment 2023: New Notification Out for Consultant, Check Vacancies, Post, Age, Qualification, Salary and Application Procedure

SAI Recruitment 2023: Sports Authority of India (SAI) is looking for qualified and experienced candidates for the post of Consultant (Procurement) and consultant (Data Analyst, Strategy and Planning). As mentioned in the official notification of SAI Recruitment 2023, the performance of the candidates in the walk-in interview will be used to make the selection. Attending the interview will not result in any TA/DA compensation. There is no charge to participate in the interview. There are 02 openings to be filled for the mentioned post. In accordance with the official notification of SAI Recruitment 2023, the engagement is made on a contract basis and the selected candidates will be engaged for a period of 01 year further extendable as per the performance and as per the requirement of the division.

The selected candidates will be paid a monthly salary up to Rs.145000. Candidate should be a maximum age of 45 years to apply for the given post. As per the official notification of SAI Recruitment 2023, the candidate should have post-graduation (2 years) from a recognized university after graduation in any discipline. Candidates who are interested and eager to participate in the interview should come to the location. Candidates must bring the original necessary papers to the interview. The walk-in interview will take place on 10.10.2023 and 11.10.2023 at 10:00 AM at the National Centre For Sports Science and Research IGSC, Room No. 41, New Delhi – 110002. The reporting time for candidates appearing for walk-in interviews is 9:30 AM on both days. Latecomers are not authorized to participate in the interview.

Table of Content
  1. Post Name and Vacancies for SAI Recruitment 2023:
  2. Age Limit for SAI Recruitment 2023:
  3. Salary for SAI Recruitment 2023:
  4. Qualification and Experience for SAI Recruitment 2023:
  5. Tenure for SAI Recruitment 2023:
  6. Selection Process for SAI Recruitment 2023:
  7. How to Apply for SAI Recruitment 2023:

Post Name and Vacancies for SAI Recruitment 2023:

According to the official notification of SAI Recruitment 2023, there are 02 vacancies open for the post of Consultant (Procurement) and Consultant (Data Analyst, Strategy and Planning).

SAI Recruitment 2023

Age Limit for SAI Recruitment 2023:

The maximum age limit is 45 years as on the date of the interview to apply for SAI Recruitment 2023.

Salary for SAI Recruitment 2023:

The selected candidates for SAI Recruitment 2023 will get given a monthly compensation between Rs.80000 to Rs.145000.

Qualification and Experience for SAI Recruitment 2023:

As stated in the official notification of SAI Recruitment 2023, the required qualifications and experience are mentioned below-

For Consultant (Procurement)-

  • Candidate should have a post Graduation (2 years) from a recognized university after graduation in any discipline.


  • Candidate should have a minimum of 03 years of experience in procurement in public/govt. organizations.
  • Desirable Experience-
  • Candidate should have experience in Sports and related domains.

For Consultant (Data Analyst, Strategy and Planning)-

  • Candidate should have post-graduation (2 years) from a recognized university after graduation in any discipline.


  • Candidate should have a minimum of 03 years of experience in the field of Data analysis/Strategy and planning.

Desirable Experience-

  • Candidate should have experience in Data Analysis/Sports Sector.

Tenure for SAI Recruitment 2023:

According to the official notification of SAI Recruitment 2023, the appointment is made on a contract basis and the selected candidates will be appointed for a period of 01 year further extendable as per the performance and as per the requirement of the division.

Selection Process for SAI Recruitment 2023:

The selection for SAI Recruitment 2023 will be based on the candidate’s performance in the walk-in interview. There will be no TA/Da paid for attending the interview. There is no fee for appearing in the interview.

How to Apply for SAI Recruitment 2023:

As given in the official notification of SAI Recruitment 2023 notification, interested and willing candidates can visit the venue for the interview. Candidates have to bring the original relevant documents at the time of the interview.

The walk-in interview will be held on 10.10.2023 and 11.10.2023 from 10:00 onwards at the National Center For Sports Science and Research IGSC, Room No. 41, New Delhi – 110002. The reporting time for candidates appearing for walk-in interviews is 9:30 AM on both days. Latecomers are not permitted for the interview.

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