DMRC Recruitment 2023: Monthly Salary Upto 280000, Check Posts, Eligibility, and Other Vital Details

DMRC hires applicants for the General Manager post on the basis of Direct Recruitment/ Deputation/Post Retirement Contractual Engagement. There is 01 vacancy. The last date to apply is 18.04.2023.

DMRC Recruitment 2023 for General Manager

Shubhra Goswamy | Mar 31, 2023 |

DMRC Recruitment 2023: Monthly Salary Upto 280000, Check Posts, Eligibility, and Other Vital Details

DMRC Recruitment 2023: Monthly Salary Upto 280000, Check Posts, Eligibility, and Other Vital Details

DMRC Recruitment 2023: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd is recruiting experienced, dynamic and motivated aspirants for General Manager in the Electrical post on Direct Recruitment/ Deputation/Post Retirement Contractual Engagement basis. In accordance with the official notification of DMRC Recruitment 2023, there is only 01 vacancy for this recruitment drive. The selected candidate will be on probation for a period of one year, or, till the age of 60 years, whichever is earlier. As given in the official notification of DMRC Recruitment 2023, the maximum age limit for Direct Recruitment candidates will be 59 years, for Deputation based candidates the maximum age limit is 55 years and for candidates appointed for PRCE the basis for them, the minimum age limit is 58 years and the maximum age limit is 61 years. Candidates selected on Direct Recruitment and Deputation basis will get a monthly salary between Rs.120000 to Rs.280000  and candidates selected  on PRCE  basis will get Rs.155000 per month.

According to the official notification of DMRC Recruitment 2023, the candidate will be selected on the basis of a Personal Interview. Desirous candidate should duly fill out the application in the given notification format and sent it through speed post by superscribing the Name of Post on the cover prominently, on an envelope or, email the scanned copy of the duly filled-in Application Form, along with scanned copies of all other sought documents (as stated in the Application Form) on and before 18th April 2023. For more details, candidates can read the official Notification.

Table of Content
  1. Post Name and Vacancy for DMRC Recruitment 2023:
  2. Age Limit for DMRC Recruitment 2023:
  3. Eligibility for DMRC Recruitment 2023:
  4. Probation Period for DMRC Recruitment 2023:
  5. Salary for DMRC Recruitment 2023:
  6. Selection Procedure for DMRC Recruitment 2023:
  7. How to Apply for DMRC Recruitment 2023:

Post Name and Vacancy for DMRC Recruitment 2023:

DMRC is recruiting experienced, dynamic and motivated aspirants for General Manager in the Electrical post on Direct Recruitment/ Deputation/Post Retirement Contractual Engagement basis. There is 01 vacancy for the given post.

DMRC Recruitment 2023

Age Limit for DMRC Recruitment 2023:

According to the official DMRC Recruitment 2023 notification, the maximum age limit for Direct Recruitment candidates will be 59 years old, the maximum age limit for Deputation based candidates is 55 years old, and the minimum and maximum age limits for candidates appointed based on PRCE are 58 years old and 61 years old, respectively.

Eligibility for DMRC Recruitment 2023:

Candidates applying for the General Manager post must have the below-given eligibility.

  • IRSEE/ Ex-IRSEE officers, presently working in/ /retired (for Post-Retirement Contractual Engagement basis only) from the CDA pay scale at Level 14 (Rs. 144200 – 218200) in the pay matrix as per the 7th CPC, or higher; in any Govt. Organization/ CPSUs, including services put in on deputation, in the above pay scale, with a total of 18 years service at Gazetted / Executive level in any government organization. Officers working in Non-Functional Grades at Level-14 may also apply.
  • RSEE/ Ex-IRSEE officers, presently working in/ /retired (for Post-Retirement Contractual Engagement basis only) from the IDA pay scale of Rs. 1,20,000 – 2,80,000 or higher, in any Govt. Organization/CPSUs, including services put in on deputation, in the above pay scale, with a total of 18 years of service at Gazetted / Executive level in any Govt. Organization. Officers working in Non-Functional Grades in the above pay scale, may also apply.

Probation Period for DMRC Recruitment 2023:

The selected candidate will be on probation for a period of one year, or, till the age of 60 years, whichever is earlier.

Salary for DMRC Recruitment 2023:

Candidates selected on Direct Recruitment and Deputation basis will get a monthly salary between Rs.120000 to Rs.280000  and candidates selected on PRCE  basis will get Rs.155000 per month.


Parent Department pay plus deputation allowance (in case of Deputation)

Selection Procedure for DMRC Recruitment 2023:

Candidates will be selected on the basis of Personal Interview. Candidates applying on Direct Recruitment basis will comprise of Personal Interview and a Medical fitness examination.

How to Apply for DMRC Recruitment 2023:

As per the DMRC Recruitment 2023 Notification, Interested candidates should duly fill out the application in the given notification format and send it through speed post at the address provided below by superscribing the Name of the Post on the cover prominently, on an envelope or, emailing the scanned copy of the duly filled-in Application Form, along with scanned copies of all other sought documents (as stated in the Application Form) on and before 18th April 2023.

Executive Director (HR)
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd,
Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane,
Barakhamba Road, New Delhi.

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