Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024: Application Open For Ex-Servicemen (Technician) Post, Apply Now

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is inviting applications from intrested and suitable candidates for Ex-Servicemen (Technician) for HAL Engine Division, Bangalore Complex (BC) on a tenure basis.

Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024 for Ex-Servicemen (Technician)

Khushi Vishwakarma | Dec 19, 2024 |

Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024: Application Open For Ex-Servicemen (Technician) Post, Apply Now

Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024: Application Open For Ex-Servicemen (Technician) Post, Apply Now

Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is inviting applications from interested and suitable candidates for Ex-Servicemen (Technician) in various Trades for HAL Engine Division, Bangalore Complex (BC) on a tenure basis. As per the official notification of Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024, there are 08 openings to be filled for the given post. The appointment is made for a period of 04 years from the date of engagement.

According to the official notification of Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024, the maximum age limit is 28 years. The candidates will be selected on the basis of a written test. Final selection will be made on the basis of performance in the Written Test only. The date, time, and venue of the test will be informed later to the shortlisted candidates through e-mail. The application fee is Rs.200 and SC/ST/PWBD candidates are exempted from the payment of application fees. Candidates who are eligible and interested in applying to Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024 can submit their duly filled application in the prescribed format along with the supporting documents to the address. The applicants are advised to submit the application on or before the last date because, after the last date, no application will be accepted or considered.

Table of Content
  1. Post Name and Vacancies for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:
  2. Age Limit for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:
  3. Qualification for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:
  4. Place of Posting for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:
  5. Salary for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:
  6. Tenure for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:
  7. Selection Process for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:
  8. Application Fee for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:
  9. How to Apply for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:
  10. Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024: FAQs

Post Name and Vacancies for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:

Based on the official notification of Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024, there are 08 vacancies open for Ex-Servicemen (Technician) for HAL Engine Division, Bangalore Complex (BC) on a tenure basis.

Post NameVacanciesPlace of Posting/ Trades
Ex-Servicemen (Technician) Minimum-D/61Gorakhpur (Jaguar – Turbo Fan Engines)
1Ambala (Jaguar – Turbo Fan Engines)
 The induction scale will be as Qualification & Post
Qualification experience in
the armed forces, as per
Rules of the company   
1Jamnagar (Jaguar – Turbo Fan Engines)
1MRO Hub, Mamun (Cheetah/Chetak/ALHTurbo shaft Engines)
2Missamari (Cheetah/Chetak/ALHTurbo shaft Engines)
2Coast Guard Base, Porbandar (ALH -Turbo Shaft Engines
Total -08

No. of Vacancies indicated above may increase or decrease based on Organization Requirement.

Age Limit for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:

Candidate should be a maximum age of 28 years as on the closing date for applying to Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024. The upper age limit including all relaxations, shall not exceed 55 years.

The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in respect of SC/ST and 3 years in respect of OBC (NCL) candidates. Candidates belonging to the OBC category are required to produce a recently obtained Non-creamy layer Certificate in proof of their Community (not older than 6 months) stating that they do not come under the creamy layer from the Competent Authority, in the Central Govt. format and candidates belonging to the SC/ST category are also required to produce their community certificate in proof of their community at the time of Document Verification in the prescribed format.

Qualification for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:

The candidates who have the required qualification and experience as indicated below for applying to Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024.

  • The candidate should have a Diploma in Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering/Technology or equivalent (full-time and regular) by passing the prescribed Test(Trade and Written) and the Certificate should have been issued by the concerned Board of Technical Education/Institute if the qualification was acquired before joining the Armed Forces. OR
  • The candidate should have a Diploma in Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering/Technology in the relevant trade awarded by Ithe ndian Air Force/Indian Army/ Indian Navy. The Diploma awarded needs to be after undergoing the prescribed training and passing the required examination specified by the Armed Forces wherein the candidates have undergone the training.


  • The candidate should have a minimum of 05 (Five) years of working experience in the relevant trades / Engines.

Place of Posting for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:

The place of posting of Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024 will be given below in the table-

Place of Posting
Gorakhpur (Jaguar – Turbo Fan Engines)
Ambala (Jaguar – Turbo Fan Engines)
Jamnagar (Jaguar – Turbo Fan Engines)
MRO Hub, Mamun (Cheetah/Chetak/ALHTurbo shaft Engines)
Missamari (Cheetah/Chetak/ALHTurbo shaft Engines)
Coast Guard Base, Porbandar (ALH -Turbo Shaft Engines)

Salary for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:

The candidates who are selected for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024 will be paid a monthly remuneration of Rs.23000. The approximate consolidated remuneration for Scale – D6 (Ex-servicemen Technician) would be Rs.47431 per month at a minimum level of induction and may vary depending on the post qualification experience in armed forces as per the rules of the Company in respect of Ex-Servicemen.

Salary for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024

The approximate Consolidated Remuneration for Scale – D6 (Ex-servicemenTechnician) would be Rs.47,431 per month at a minimum level of induction and may vary depending on the post qualification experience in armed forces as per the rules of the Company in respect of Ex-Servicemen.

Tenure for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:

According to the official notification of Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024, the chosen candidates will be engaged for a period of 04 years.

Selection Process for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:

The selection of Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024 will be determined on the basis of a Written Test. The call letter would specify the written test location, which would ideally be Bangalore or another region. The date and time Written Test will be intimated to the shortlisted/eligible candidates by e-mail.

The tentative date of the written test is 25.01.2025. Candidates have to appear for the Written Test at their own expense, on the day, time and location indicated in their Admit Card. The candidates can download their admit cards from the official website of HAL.

Application Fee for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:

The candidates have to pay Rs.200 and applicable back charges to apply for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024. The application fee is non-refundable. The application fee is inclusive of GST 18%. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWBD Categories are exempted from the payment of application fees.

  • Application is to be deposited in the “Hindustan Aeronautics Limited – Engine Division account” bearing number 39187603122 through Online Payment or at any of the core banking branches of State Bank of India in the prescribed Challan (Annexure II) and a Journal number is to be obtained.
  • Candidates are required to pay applicable commission charges if paid through challan for depositing fees at other than SBI, HAL Branch, Vimanapura, Bangalore– 560017.

How to Apply for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024:

As per the official notification of Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024, desirous and willing candidates may send their applications strictly in the prescribed Application Format which is available on the official website, and send it along with a self-attested recent Passport size Photograph and proof of Online Payment or original counterfoil of Challan (HAL Copy) in case paid through Challan for having paid the Application Fee to the following address. Applications received after the due date will not be accepted. No application will be received in person at the address mentioned below-

The Addl. General Manager (HR)
Engine Division
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited,
Bangalore Complex,
PB No. 9310

The last date for submitting the application form is 06.01.2025.

Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024: FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024.

Que 1. How many vacancies and for which post are available in Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024?

  • Ans 1. There are 08 vacancies open for Ex-Servicemen (Technician) in Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024.

Que 2. What is the application fee for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024?

  • Ans 2. The application fee is Rs.200 to apply for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024. The SC/ST/PWBD candidates are exempted from the payment of application fees.

Que 3. What is the maximum age limit to apply for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024?

  • Ans 3. The maximum age limit is 28 years to apply for Hindustan Aeronautics Recruitment 2024.

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