Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme 2019

Studycafe | Sep 3, 2019 |

Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme 2019

Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme 2019

1. The Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme, 2019, (SVLDRS) application has been made available online at from 01.09.2019.

2. The declaration under Section 125 of the Finance Act 2019 can now be made electronically in Form SVLDRS 1 by the declarant.

3. Circular No. 1071/4/2019-CX.8 dated 27th August, 2019.

4. Scheme is a bold endeavour to unload the baggage relating to the legacy taxes viz. Central Excise and Service Tax that have been subsumed under GST and allow business to make a new beginning, and focus on GST. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all officers and staff of CBIC to partner with the trade and industry to make this Scheme a grand success.

5. Dispute resolution and amnesty are the two components of this Scheme. Aimed at liquidating the legacy cases locked up in litigation at various forums and giving an opportunity to those who have failed to correctly discharge their tax liability to pay the tax dues. As may be seen, this Scheme offers substantial relief to the taxpayers and others who may potentially avail it.

6. Following issues are clarified in the context of the various provisions of the Finance Act 2019 and Rules made there under.

7. Section 129(2)(a) provides that no person being a party in appeal, application, revision or reference shall contend that by issuing a discharge certificate, Department has accepted the disputed position. Section 129(2)(b) further provides that issue of a discharge certificate does not prevent issuance of a show cause notice for the same matter for a subsequent period or for a different matter in the same period. It is clarified that similar position will apply in case of Department also. In other words, a declaration under this Scheme will not be a basis for assuming that the declarant has admitted the position, and no fresh show cause notice will be issued merely on that basis.

8. Section 125(1)(d) mentions that the Scheme is not available to an applicant who has been issued a show cause notice relating to refund or erroneous refund. It has potential to lead to an interpretation that such persons will not be able to opt for the Scheme for any other dispute as well, since the restriction is on the person in place of the case. It is clarified that the exception from eligibility is for the case and not the person. In other words, if a person has been issued a show cause notice for a refund / erroneous refund and, at the same time, he also has other outstanding disputes which are covered under this Scheme, then, he will be eligible to file a declaration(s) for the other case(s). Same position will apply to persons covered under Sections 125(1)(a),(b),(c),(e) and (g).

9. This Scheme provides for adjustment of any amount paid as pre deposit during appellate proceedings or as deposit during enquiry, investigation or audit [Sections 124(2) and 130(2) refer]. In certain matters, tax may have been paid by utilising the input credit, and the matter is under dispute. In such cases, the tax already paid through input credit shall be adjusted by the Designated Committee at the time of determination of the final amount payable under the Scheme.

10. With respect to penalty / late fee matters [Section 124(1)(b) refers], a doubt has been expressed that only show cause notices for late fee or penalty are covered under this Scheme as there is no mention of appellate proceedings. It is clarified that the provisions apply to any show cause notice for penalty / late fee, irrespective of the fact that it is under adjudication or appeal. Moreover, there can be a show cause notice that originally also involved a duty demand, and the amount of duty in the said notice became whether on account of the fact that same has been paid under this Scheme or otherwise. Such cases are also covered under Section 124(1)(b).

11. Section 125(g) excludes the cases where an application has been filed before the Settlement Commission for settlement. However, in many such cases, proceedings before the Commission may abate due to reasons such as rejection of the application by the Commission or due to order of the Commission not being passed within the prescribed time etc. It is clarified that all such cases which are outside the purview of the Settlement Commission shall be covered under the Scheme under the relevant category of adjudication or appeal or arrears as the case may be provided the eligibility is otherwise established under this Scheme. Further, any pending appeals, reference or writ petition filed against or any arrears emerging out of the orders of Settlement Commission are also eligible under the Scheme.

12. In case of appeals, the applicant is ineligible to apply if the final hearing is concluded but the order is awaited as on 30.06.2019. The hearings in matters are typically rescheduled even after the final hearing due to new bench, change in officer or any other reason. It is clarified that this restriction will apply to only those cases, where the appellate forum has heard the matter finally as on 30.06.2019.

13. Cases under an enquiry, investigation or audit where the duty demand has been quantified on or before the 30th June, 2019 are eligible under the Scheme. Section 2(r) defines as a written communication of the amount of duty payable under the indirect tax enactment. It is clarified that such written communication will include a letter intimating duty demand; or duty liability admitted by the person during enquiry, investigation or audit; or audit report etc.

14. Rule 3(2) of the SV (LDR) Rules provides that a separate declaration shall be filed for each case. Many a times a show cause notice covers multiple matters concerning duty liability. It is clarified that a declarant cannot opt to avail benefit of scheme in respect of selected matters. In other words the declarant has to file a declaration for all the matters concerning duty liability covered under the SCN.

15. Section 124(1)(b) provides that where the tax dues are relatable to a show cause notice for late fee or penalty only, and the amount of duty in the said notice has been paid or is then, the entire amount of late fee or penalty will be waived This section, inter alia, covers cases of penal action against co noticees. In case of a show cause notice demanding duty / tax from main taxpayer and proposing penal action against co-noticees, it is clarified that the co noticees cant avail the benefits of the scheme till such time the duty demand is not settled. Once, the main-noticee discharges the duty demand, the co-noticees can apply under this Scheme. This will also cover cases where the main noticee has settled the matter before the Settlement Commission and paid the dues and in which co-noticees were not a party to the proceedings before the Settlement Commission.

16. Section 127(5) of the Scheme provides that the declarant shall pay the amount indicated in the Statement issued by the Designated Committee within a period of thirty days. If the declarant does not pay the amount within the stipulated time, due to any reason, the declaration will be treated as lapsed.

17. In respect of matters under investigation by DGGI, there may be cases where the duty quantified relates to more than one Commissionerate. In such cases, the Designated Committee of the Commissionerate involving the maximum amount of duty will decide the case. Further, in other cases of DGGI wherein the show cause notice that has been issued covers more than one Commissionerate, a common adjudicator must be quickly appointed under intimation to the Chief Commissioner concerned and DG Systems so the Designated Committee of that Commissionerate can finalize this matter.

Following actions are required to be taken on priority by dept :-

18. It shall be ensured that the updated and complete records of the cases eligible under the Scheme are made available to the Designated Committees by 31.08.2019. It may be noted that except for voluntary disclosure, the information regarding eligible taxpayers is readily available with the field formations through show cause notices which are yet to be adjudicated, or cases which are pending at various appellate forums or the cases under investigation or audit where the duty demand has been quantified and communicated on or before 30.06.2019 or the cases of recoverable arrears.

19. An intensive out reach programme to create awareness among the trade and industry at large and the eligible taxpayers in particular needs to be carried out. In this direction it will also be desirable to communicate to the eligible taxpayers the benefits of this Scheme through a polite email or phone call or letter. For these purposes the publicity material prepared by DGTPS can be used. Also, registration details of such eligible taxpayers shall be conveyed to DG (system) so that periodic SMS can be sent to them, informing about this Scheme.

20. Though this Scheme provides a period of sixty days for the Designated Committee to decide on a declaration filed by a taxpayer, a speedier disposal is expected by the Board. For instance, in cases of voluntary disclosure, no verification is necessitated which means that the declaration will be accepted as such. Hence, such cases must be finalized within 15 days of filing of the declaration. Similarly, as the duty amount is already known in the form of a show cause notice / order of determination or a written communication / or order in appeal or disputed amount in appeal, and the tax relief will be calculated by the system automatically, where these particulars are found to be correct as per the declaration filed and the records available with the Department, such cases must also be finalized within 15 days of filing of the declaration. These timelines must be strictly adhered to.

21. There shall be two Designated Committees of two officers each in a Commissionerate to process the declarations received thereunder (for this purpose Audit Commissionerates are to be left out). The Designated Committees have been set up based on the amount of tax dues It is clarified that this duty demand is before applying the tax relief. For ex., if in a show cause notice the duty demanded is Rs 60 lakhs, the same will fall under the purview of a Committee consisting of Pr Commr Commr and Add / Joint Commr even though the final duty payable after applying tax relief will be less than Rs 50 lakhs. Essentially, where the duty payable as determined by the Designated Committee comes out to be more or less than the amount declared by the taxpayer, there will no change in the composition of the Designated Committee. In other words, the same Designated Committee to which the declaration is automatically routed based on the amount mentioned therein will take a final decision in the matter.

22. Members of the Committee will be nominated by jurisdictional Pr. Chief Commr / Chief Commr and Pr. DG/ DG, DGGI, as the case may be. It is expected that the Designated Committee will be prompt in decision making by consensus and the senior officer in the Committee will take a lead to ensure the same.

23. It shall be the responsibility of the Zonal Pr. Chief Commrs /Chief Commrs and Pr. Director General/ Director General, DGGI (in the case of DGGI, Delhi) to ensure the success of the Scheme. Apart from the reach out programme, it also needs to be ensured that the members of the Designated Committee are properly trained and well versed with the Scheme and the software application. In this connection DG ( has been instructed to carry out suitable training.

24. The Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme, 2019 has the potential to liquidate the huge outstanding litigation and free the taxpayers from the burden of litigation and investigation under the legacy taxes. The administrative machinery of the Government will also be able to fully focus on helping the taxpayers in the smooth implementation of GST. Thus, the importance of making this Scheme a grand success cannot be overstated. The Principal Chief Commissioners/Principal Directors General / Chief Commissioners / Directors General and all officers and staff have been instructed to familiarize themselves with this Scheme and actively ensure its smooth implementation.

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