CBDT Amends ITR Forms for inserting Disclosure for Section 80DD, Section 80U and Section 54D

The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has amended the ITR Forms for inserting Disclosure for Section 80DD, Section 80U and Section 54D via issuing Notification.

CBDT Amends ITR Forms

Reetu | Feb 22, 2024 |

CBDT Amends ITR Forms for inserting Disclosure for Section 80DD, Section 80U and Section 54D

CBDT Amends ITR Forms for inserting Disclosure for Section 80DD, Section 80U and Section 54D

The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has amended the ITR Forms for inserting Disclosure for Section 80DD, Section 80U and Section 54D via issuing Notification.

The Notification Read as follows:

In the notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue (Central Board of Direct Taxes), published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, subsection (i), vide number G.S.R. 83(E), dated 31st January 2024.

(i) at page number 148, in item 1, for the bracket, figures and words “(1) These rules may be called the Income-tax (Amendment) Rules, 2024.”, the bracket, figures and words “(1) These rules may be called the Income-tax (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024.” shall be substituted;

(ii) at page number 171, in Form ITR-2, in Schedule 80DD, a new column, “Amount (Rs.)” shall be inserted and accordingly, for the Schedule 80DD, the following schedule shall be substituted, namely: ––

(iii) at page number 229, in Form ITR-3, in Schedule 80DD, a new column, “Amount (Rs.)” shall be inserted and accordingly, for the Schedule 80DD, the following schedule shall be substituted, namely: ––

(iv) at page number 230, in Form ITR-3, in Schedule 80U, a new column, “Amount (Rs.)” shall be inserted and accordingly, for the Schedule 80U, the following schedule shall be substituted, namely:––

(v) at page number 271, in Form ITR-5, in schedule CG, in row B, in sub-row (1), in item (d), for the figures, letters and symbols “54EC/54G/54GA”, the figures, letters and symbols “54D/54EC/54G/54GA” shall be substituted;

(vi) at page number 274, in Form ITR-5, in Schedule CG, in row B, in sub-row (10), in the table below item (a), in row (ii), for the figures, letters and symbols “54D/54G/54GA/54GB”, the figures, letters and symbols “54D/54G/54GA” shall be substituted.

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