GST Evasion: IGST of Rs.11000 Crore evaded by 24 Big Importer

The Directorate General of GST Intelligence and Directorate of Revenue Intelligence have discovered alleged Integrated GST evasion by 24 big importers totaling Rs.11,000 crore.

GST Evasion of Rs.11000 Crore by 24 Big Importer

Reetu | May 13, 2023 |

GST Evasion: IGST of Rs.11000 Crore evaded by 24 Big Importer

GST Evasion: IGST of Rs.11000 Crore evaded by 24 Big Importer

The Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) and the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) have discovered alleged Integrated GST evasion by 24 big importers totaling Rs.11,000 crore.

“We have detected approximately Rs.11,000 crore in approximately 24 cases so far, and we have sent notices to seven entities in this regard,” a senior official from one of the agencies said.

These notices to importers were sent out during the previous 20 days from the jurisdictions of Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai. According to sources, the authorities are in the process of notifying the others.

The majority of the enterprises are from the steel, pharmaceutical, gems & jewellery, and textile industries.

According to the official stated above, the tax evasion in these cases was uncovered using data collected by the Advanced Analytics in Indirect Taxation (ADVIT).

While there were numerous instances of incorrectly claiming input tax credits, the official stated that warnings were only delivered in cases when data was independently validated and probed by field formations.

The government is now aiming to improve ADVIT even further in order to acquire additional kinds of data regarding importers and exporters.

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