Gujarat Recruitment 2022: Gujarat to recruit 2600 Teaching Assistants; Notification to release today

Gujarat Recruitment 2022: Gujarat to recruit 2600 Teaching Assistants; Notification to release today

Reetu | Oct 11, 2022 |

Gujarat Recruitment 2022: Gujarat to recruit 2600 Teaching Assistants; Notification to release today

Gujarat Recruitment 2022: Gujarat to recruit 2600 Teaching Assistants; Notification to release today

Gujarat Recruitment 2022: The Gujarat Government has announced the recruitment of a total of 2600 teaching assistant candidates in the state. As per the sources, the notification of Gujarat recruitment is expected to be released by today and the application process will commence soon after that.

Jitu Vaghani, the state of Gujarat’s minister of education, science, and technology, announced the news via his official Twitter account, which says, State government‘s decision to recruit 2,600 teaching assistants.”

Out of the total 2600 posts, 1000 teaching assistant posts will be filled for Class 1 to 5 and 1600 posts for Class 6 to 8. For 1600 posts, 750 posts for Maths-Science, 250 for other languages and 600 for social science subject.

Additionally, the state government has agreed to provide widow women applicants for this recruitment 5% more marks. Candidates will be able to check more related details when the advertisement releases.

How to apply for Gujarat Teaching Assistant Recruitment 2022

Step 1: Go to the official Gujarat Government website.

Step 2: Click on the “Teaching Assistant Application” link.

Step 3: Register Yourself with the asked details.

Step 4: Log in with the credentials to complete the application form.

Step 5: Upload the required documents in the given format and pay the application fees.

Step 6: Download and Print the Application for further use.

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