ICAI releases Excel and Word Utility on Engagement Letter for benefit of Chartered Accountants

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Central Council through its Centre for Audit Quality Directorate has released an 'Excel Utility on Engagement Letter' for the ease and benefit of Members.

ICAI releases Excel and Word Utility on Engagement Letter

Priyanka Kumari | Nov 1, 2023 |

ICAI releases Excel and Word Utility on Engagement Letter for benefit of Chartered Accountants

ICAI releases Excel and Word Utility on Engagement Letter for benefit of Chartered Accountants

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Central Council through its Centre for Audit Quality Directorate has released an ‘Excel Utility on Engagement Letter’ for the ease and benefit of Members.

The Excel Utility on Engagement Letters provides various facilities:

  • Generates multiple Engagement Letters (ELs) on single click
  • Facilitates standardized EL preparation
  • Covers all aspects in a comprehensive format
  • Easy to customise EL Templates (Word file)
  • Maintains a centralised list of assurance clients
  • Beneficial for Peer Review Process

Engagement Letters can be generated for Audit related to:

  1. Form No. 3CA
  2.  Form No. 3CB
  3.  Listed Entities
  4.  Unlisted Entities with IFC
  5. Unlisted Entities without IFC

Users of Utility as an Auditor:

To Download the Excel Utility on Engagement Letters- Click Here


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