MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025: 40 Vacancies Open For Sr. Manager (Security) and Other Posts, Apply Soon
Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited (MAHAGENCO) is seeking online applications from interested, desirous and willing candidates to fill the post of Sr. Manager (Security), Dy. Sr. Manager (Security), Dy. Manager (Security) and Jr. Officer (Security).
MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025: 40 Vacancies Open For Sr. Manager (Security) and Other Posts, Apply Soon
MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025: Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited (MAHAGENCO) is seeking online applications from interested, desirous and willing candidates to fill the posts of Sr. Manager (Security), Dy. Sr. Manager (Security), Dy. Manager (Security) and Jr. Officer (Security). As given in the official notification of MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025, there are 40 vacancies open for the mentioned posts. The selected candidates will be offered a monthly salary on Pay Grade I, II, and III. The maximum age limit is 40 years for the post code HR01 and 38 years for the post codes HR02, HR03 and HR04. The candidate must have the required qualifications and experience as provided in the article (see below) to apply for the given post.
As per the official notification of MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025, the candidates will be selected on the basis of the Assessment Centre Test/ Online Test/ Personal Interview. Assessment Centre Test/ Online Test/ Personal Interview may be conducted as per Exam center list depending upon the number of candidates at each location. The application fee is up to 800+144 (GST) (see below). Based on the official notification of MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025, suitable and experienced candidates may apply online through the link given in the official notification. Further, for the post code HR01 i.e. Sr. Manager (Security), after registration and final submission of the form, the hard copy of the Application form along with necessary documents should be forwarded to the address given in the article on or before the deadline. The online application starts Today, i.e. 08.03.2025.
Post Name and Vacancies for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025:
Applications are invited to fill the post of Sr. Manager (Security), Dy. Sr. Manager (Security), Dy. Manager (Security) and Jr. Officer (Security). There are 40 openings to be filled in MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025.
Age Limit for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025:
The candidate should meet the below-indicated age limit to apply for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025.
Post Code
Age Limit
For the post code HR01
40 years
For the post code HR02,HR03 and HR04
38 years
Age Relaxation-
The upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for the candidates applying against Reserved Category posts.
For the candidates applying against OPEN, the age limit is as mentioned above.
The upper age limit for Ex-Servicemen will be 45 Years.
The upper age limit for departmental employees working in MAHAGENCO is upto the age of 57 years.
The date of birth as per SSC/School leaving certificate and age as on 08.04.2025 should be mentioned in the application form.
Qualification and Experience for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025:
The candidate must have the following qualifications and experience to apply for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025.
For Sr. Manager (Security)-
The candidate should have a Degree from a recognized University. N.B.- Degree in Technical / Law / Personnel Management preferred.
The candidate must be serving or Ex-Service Officer from the Army/Navy / Air force, having held the rank of Subedar-Major or equivalent and above and working/worked in a department concerning Vigilance/Security. OR
The candidate must be an officer from the Police/Para Military Force of the rank of Inspector of Police having an experience of 05 years in specialized branches like CID Crime/ CID Intelligence/Anti-Corruption Bureau and Central Bureau of Investigation( as Inspector of Police ) OR
Group A/Class-I Officer from Vigilance/ Security/ Intelligence cadre of Central/State PSUs having an experience of 05 years. (As Group A/Class-I Officer). OR
A Departmental candidate should possess a minimum experience of 10 years, of which at least 8 years as Dy. Manager (Security) and above.
For Dy. Sr. Manager (Security)-
The candidate must have a Degree from a recognized University. N.B.- Degree in Technical / Law / Personnel Management preferred.
The applicant must be serving or Ex-Service Officer from the Army/Navy / Air force, having held the rank of Naib Subhedar and working/worked in a department concerning Vigilance/Security. OR
The applicant must be an officer from the Police/Para-Military Force of the rank of sub-inspector of Police, having experience of 03 years in specialized branches like CID Crime/CID Intelligence/Anti-Corruption Bureau and Central Bureau of Investigation.OR
Group-B/Class-II Officer from Vigilance/ Security/ Intelligence cadre of Central/State PSUs having an experience of 05 years (As Group B/Class-II Officer). OR
A Departmental candidate should possess a minimum experience of 7 years out of which at least 3 years as Dy. Manager (Security).
For Dy. Manager (Security)-
The applicant must have a Degree from a recognized University. N.B.- Degree in Technical / Law / Personnel Management preferred.
The candidate must be serving or Ex-Non Commissioned Officer From Army/Navy/Air force or of equivalent rank or from Police Department or Para military Force of the rank of Head constable having total service not less than 05 years and having an experience of at least 02 years in the Police Department specialized branches like CID Crime/ CID Intelligence/ Anti-Corruption Bureau and Central Bureau of Investigation. OR
Group-C/ Class-III employee from Vigilance/ Security/ Intelligence Cadre of Central/State PSU’s having an experience of 07 years. OR
A Departmental Candidate should possess a minimum experience of 03 years in the capacity as a Jr.Officer( Security).
For Jr.Officer (Security)-
The applicant must have a Degree from a recognized University.
The applicant must have Knowledge of Marathi.
No experience is required.
Salary for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025:
The selected candidates for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025 will be given a monthly salary on Pay Gr.-I, II and III.
Post Name
Pay Scale
Sr. Manager (Security)
Pay Gr. – I Rs. 97220-3745-1159454250-209445
Dy. Sr. Manager (Security)
Pay Gr. – I Rs. 81850-3250-981003455- 184475
Dy. Manager (Security)
Pay Gr. – II Rs. 54505-2580-674052715-137995
Jr. Officer (Security)
Pay Gr. – III Rs. 44435-1995-54410-207575160-2180-123120
Selection Process for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025:
The selection process of MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025 will comprise an Assessment Centre Test/ Online Test/ Personal Interview. Assessment Centre Test/ Online Test/ Personal Interview may be conducted as per Exam center list depending upon the number of candidates at each location. However, in case candidates appearing for the online test at a particular place are not adequate, such candidates may be asked to appear for the test at another center. The management reserves the right to increase or decrease the location for the test.
For Sr. Manager (Security)-
The candidates who are apparently eligible as per age and educational criteria mentioned by them in the Online application shall be called for the Assessment Centre Test (i.e. In-Basket Exercise, Group Discussion, Case Discussion and Presentation Skill) without verifying their other eligibility criteria.
A select list will be prepared, taking into consideration performance in the Assessment Centre Test (In basket Exercise: Group Discussion, Problem Solving and Case Studies) and Personal Interview.
For Dy. Sr. Manager (Security) and Dy.Manager (Security)-
The selection process for the above posts will include an Online Test followed by Document Verification and then a Personal Interview.
A select list will be prepared, taking into consideration performance in the Online Test and Personal Interview.
For Jr. Officer (Security)-
Online test followed by Physical efficiency test and Psychometric Test.
Candidates shortlisted as per performance in the written test will be required to undergo the Physical Efficiency test and Psychometric Test.
Fitness certificate and Indemnity Bond are to be submitted by candidates shortlisted through the written test and appearing for the Physical Efficiency test and the Psychometric Test.
Fitness certificate & Indemnity Bond is to be submitted by candidates shortlisted through
written test, appearing for the Physical Efficiency test & and Psychometric Test.
Candidates should undergo the Physical Efficiency Test at their own risk.
Shortlisted Candidates have to bring along a fitness certificate from a medical practitioner to undergo the Physical Efficiency Test.
Application Fee for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025:
Candidates have to pay up to 800+144 (GST) as an application fee to apply for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025. The post-wise application fee is shown below in the table.
Important Dates for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025:
The important dates of MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025 are indicated below.
Website Link Open for Online Application
Last date of Online Application /Last date of Online Payment using Net Banking / Debit / Credit Card
How to Apply for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025:
Interested and willing candidates may apply online through the link provided in the official notification of MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025.
Further, for the post code HR01 i.e. Sr. Manager (Security) after registration and final submission of form, the hard copy of Application form along with necessary documents should be forwarded to following address on or before the last date.
Deputy General Manager (HR-RC/DC),
Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd.,
Estrella Batteries Expansion Compound, Ground Floor, Labour Camp, Dharavi Road, Matunga, Mumbai – 400019
The departmental employees of the MSPGCL need not submit the application through the proper channel.
The last date to submit the application form is 08.04.2025.
MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025: FAQs
The list of some frequently asked questions related to MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025 is stated below.
Que 1. How many vacancies are open in MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025?
Ans 1. There are 40 vacancies open in MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025.
Que 2. What is the last date to apply for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025?
Ans 2. The last date to apply for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025 is 08.04.2025.
Que 3. What is the selection process of MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025?
Ans 3. The candidates will be selected for MAHAGENCO Recruitment 2025 based on an Assessment centre test/ Online Test/ Personal Interview.
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