Petitioner challenging action under section 74 of the CGST Act, 2017 directed to furnish security in the form of bank guarantee in terms of Section 67 (6) of the Act and Rule 140 of the Rules for release of the seized goods in terms of the interim relief granted to the Petitioner
Reetu | Sep 29, 2021 |
Petitioner challenging action under section 74 of the CGST Act, 2017 directed to furnish bank guarantee
Petitioner challenging action under section 74 of the CGST Act, 2017 directed to furnish security in the form of bank guarantee in terms of Section 67 (6) of the Act and Rule 140 of the Rules for release of the seized goods in terms of the interim relief granted to the Petitioner
Maruti Castings vs. Union of India & Ors(Rajasthan High Court); S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 6019/2021; 14.09.2021
Applications were filed seeking vacation of interim order passed by a coordinate bench of the Raj. HC, Jaipur stating as follows:
“Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that a sum of Rs.50 lac has been recovered under duress from the petitioner without even issuing show cause notice treating it as under Section 74 of the CGST Act, 2017. Learned counsel submits that the goods which have been seized are all duly accounted for and the same could not have been seized. The entire seizure is illegal. Learned counsel submits that he is ready to submit surety bond instead of asking for a Bank guarantee. Issue notice of the writ petition as well as stay application, returnable within eight weeks. In the meanwhile, the goods lying with the respondent/s shall be released subject to submitting a surety bond of the equivalent amount of the value of the goods by the petitioner. The petitioner shall not be insisted for submitting the Bank guarantee.”
The directions of the Court that the petitioner shall not be insisted for submitting the Bank guarantee were contrary to the provisions of Section 67(6) of the Central Goods & Services Tax Act, 2017 (‘the Act’) read with Rule 140 of the Central Goods & Services Tax Rules, 2017 (‘the Rules’). Provisions of Section 67 (6) envisage release of goods on provisional basis, upon execution of a bond and furnishing of a security, in such manner and of such quantum, as may be prescribed, and as per Rule 140 of the Rules, the seized goods may be released on a provisional basis upon execution of a bond for the value of the goods and furnishing of a security in the form of a bank guarantee equivalent to the amount of applicable tax, interest & penalty payable.
The application filed by the respondents under Article 226(3) of the Constitution is allowed. The order dated 21/5/2021 is modified to the extent that besides the surety bond of the equivalent amount of value of goods by the petitioner, it would be required of the petitioner to furnish security in the form of bank guarantee in terms of Section 67 (6) of the Act and Rule 140 of the Rules for release of the seized goods.
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