Bank Fraud: CBI Registers Case against PNB Manager and 2 Companies for Bank Fraud of Rs. 168.59 Crore

Central Bureau of Investigation started investigation against then PNB Manager and including Other Two Companies for Bank Fraud of Rs.168.59 Crore. Fraud was done by issuing 34 false bank guarantees using the bank's system in an illegal and unauthorised manner.

CBI register a Case on a Bank Fraud of Rs. 168.59 Crore

Reetu | Dec 23, 2022 |

Bank Fraud: CBI Registers Case against PNB Manager and 2 Companies for Bank Fraud of Rs. 168.59 Crore

Bank Fraud: CBI Registers Case against PNB Manager and 2 Companies for Bank Fraud of Rs. 168.59 Crore

The Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI) has register a case and started investigation after receiving a complaint from the Punjab National Bank against the then-Manager of the Punjab National Bank and others, including two private companies, unknown public servants and private individuals, on allegations of causing a loss of Rs. 168.59 crore (approx) to the Punjab National Bank.

It was alleged that the accusers conspired with others to issue 34 false bank guarantees using the bank’s system in an illegal and unauthorised manner, thereby causing loss to Punjab National Bank for total amount of Rs. 168.59 crore (approx).

Incriminating documents were found after searches were carried out at the residences and offices of the accused in NOIDA, Saran, Patna, Tadipatri (Andhra Pradesh), and Thoubal (Manipur) among other places.

The probe is continuing.


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