Companies & LLPs required to file web form CAR affirming readiness towards COVID-19

Studycafe | Mar 20, 2020 |

Companies & LLPs required to file web form CAR affirming readiness towards COVID-19

Companies & LLPs required to file web form CAR affirming readiness towards COVID-19

In order to generate greater awareness and confidence on our state of readiness, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs is in the process of developing and deploying a simple web form for companies/ LLPs to confirm their readiness to deal with the COVID-19 threat. The web form named CAR (Company Affirmation of Readiness towards COVID-19) should be filed by an authorized signatory of Companies & LLPs. CAR-2020 shall be deployed on the 23rd of March, 2020. All companies/LLPs are requested to report compliance using the above mentioned web service on the 23rd instant.

Since Companies/ Limited Liability Partnerships are major employers, especially in urban areas, their full participation and cooperation is most essential to fully realize the object of social distancing as a means to contain the spread, morbidity and mortality due to the disease. As part of disaster management to meet this urgent and severe health exigency, all companies/ LLPs are expected and strongly advised to put in place an immediate plan to implement the “Work from home” policy as a temporary measure till 31st March 2020, after which the position will be reviewed by the appropriate authorities as per the evolving situation. All companies /LLPs are advised to implement the “Work from home” policy m their headquarters and field offices to the maximum extent possible, including by conduct of meetings through video conference or other electronic/ telephonic/ computerized means. Further, even with the essential staff on duty, staggered timmings may be followed so as to minimize physical interaction. Apart from that, the other preventive measures, including ‘Dos & Don’ts advised by public health authorities may be strictly followed.

Companies & LLPs required to file web form CAR affirming readiness towards COVID-19

Companies & LLPs required to file web form CAR affirming readiness towards COVID-19

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Tags: COVID 19