Empanelment of CA Firm for Employees' State Insurance Corporation
Sushmita Goswami | Mar 14, 2022 |
Empanelment of CA Firm for Employees’ State Insurance Corporation
1. Procedure for submission of online bids on CPP Portal: Bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal, using valid Digital Signature Certificates. All the pages of the bid being submitted must be signed and sequentially numbered by the Bidder irrespective of nature of content of the documents before uploading. All the files mentioned should be in .pdf format. The instructions given below are meant to assist the bidders in registering on the
CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP Portal. More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at: “https://epro-cure.gov.in/eprocure/app”
(i) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public Procurement Portal (https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) by clicking on the link `Online Bidder Enrolment’. Enrolment on the CPP Portal is free of charge.
(ii) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique username and assign a password for their accounts.
(iii) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the registration process. This will be used for any communication from the CPP Portal.
(iv) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) (Class II or Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India with their profile. List of the Certifying Authority who provide DSC is available on CPP Portal
(v) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSCs to others, which may lead to misuse.
(vi) Bidder shall login to the site through secured login by entering their user ID / password and with the DSC/e-Token.
(i) There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search active tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID, organization name, location, date, value, etc. There is also an option of advanced search for tenders, wherein the bidders may combine a number of search parameters such as organization name, form of contract, location, date, other keywords etc., to search for a tender published on the CPP Portal.
(ii) Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download the required documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the respective `My Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS/e-mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender document.
i The interested bidders may upload their bids along with duly signed scanned copies of all relevant certificates/documents etc., in support of their technical and financial bid.
ii Each and every page of the tender documents should bear the stamp & sign of tenderer or his authorized representative in acceptance of the terms and conditions laid down by ESIC. All entries in the tender form should be legible and filled clearly. Any overwriting or cutting which is unavoidable shall be signed by the authorized signatory. Tenders, incomplete in any form, will be outrightly rejected.
iii The Technical Bids shall be opened in the chamber of Medical Superintendent on 06/04/2022 at 10:00AM in the presence of such tenderers or their authorized representatives who may wish to be present. For all practical purposes, the e-tender shall be considered for evaluation.
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