Empanelment of CA Firm for Internal Audit of Brahmaputra Board

Empanelment of CA Firm for Internal Audit of Brahmaputra Board

Ankur | Mar 21, 2022 |

Empanelment of CA Firm for Internal Audit of Brahmaputra Board

Empanelment of CA Firm for Internal Audit of Brahmaputra Board 


The Brahmaputra Board ( Board ) headquartered in Guwahati is a statutory body set up under an Act of Parliament called the Brahmaputra Board Act, ( Act 46 of 1980 ) under the Ministry of Irrigation ( Now renamed as Ministry of Jal Shakti ). The jurisdiction of the Board includes both the Brahmaputra and Barak Valley and covers all the States of the North Eastern Region, Sikkim and part of West Bengal falling under Brahmaputra basin. Its Mission is Regulation and development of Inter-State Brahmaputra & Barak River Valley by planning and such other measures so as to achieve development and utilization of water resources of Brahmaputra. It has a vision to Integrate Management of Flood and River Basins of interstate/international rivers of NE Region by involving expertise of domain experts, state of art knowledge & technology, working closely with State Governments and other Stake Holders. To carry out its Mission and Vision it has offices in all the North Eastern states along with an office in West Bengal and a coordination office in New Delhi.


E-tenders are invited by Brahmaputra Board, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India under “Two Bid System’ i.e. Technical Bid ( Pre qualification ) & Financial Bid for “Drafting an Internal Audit Manual for Brahmaputra Board”.


Tender document can be downloaded from CPPP portal https://eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app or from Brahmaputra Board Website http://brahmaputraboard.gov.in/

All documents submitted should be readable/legible.

All corrigendum/ addendum/ errata/ other information in respect of the above tender shall be issued online only at https://eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app or at Brahmaputra Board website i.e. http://brahmaputraboard.gov.in/ Hence, all bidders are advised to check the e-procurement/ Brahmaputra Board website regularly.

Brahmaputra Board intends to assign 1 ( one ) Chartered Accountant Firm for “Drafting an Internal Audit Manual for Brahmaputra Board”.

Bidding through 2 ( two ) tier bid system is invited by Brahmaputra Board for “Engagement of Chartered Accountant firm for drafting an Internal Audit Manual for Brahmaputra Board”. Interested Chartered Accountant firms/agencies who have suitable experiences, may submit the bids in this regard as per the eligibility conditions laid down in this bid document.

The Board will select & engage a Firm / Company /Agency, in accordance with the method, terms & criteria of selection specified in this bid document. Bidders shall be deemed to have understood and agreed that no explanation or justification for any aspect of the selection process will be given and that Board’s decisions are without
any appeal whatsoever.

All Bidders should familiarize themselves with local conditions and take them into account in preparing their Proposals. To obtain first-hand information on the assignment and local conditions, bidders are encouraged to visit the Board as well the sites before submitting a proposal and attend Pre-bid Meeting, if any. Attending the Pre-Bid Meeting is optional. Bidders should contact the Board’s representative to obtain additional information Contact: 9101621390/8399844686.

The proposal could form the basis for future negotiations and ultimately may lead to contract between the successful bidder and the Board.

The cost of preparing the proposal and all subsequent negotiations, if any, with Brahmaputra Board and other experts on tasks and actions directly and indirectly related shall be borne by the bidder.

Brahmaputra Board reserves the right to accept or reject any and / or all the proposals without assigning any reasons thereof.

The Board requires that the Bidders provide professional, objective and efficient services at all times and holds the Board’s interest paramount, avoids conflicts with other assignments or its own interests and act without any consideration for future work. The Bidder(s) shall not accept or engage in any assignment that may place it in
a position of not being able to carry out the assignment in the best interests of the Board.

‘Proposal’ and ‘Bid’ means the same in this document and ‘he’ also means to include ‘she’ and vice-versa. “Board” means “Brahmaputra Board” and “Committee” means “Committee constituted by Board”.


Interested bidder should fulfill all the below mentioned technical Criteria:
1. CA Firm/Bidder needs to be empaneled with C&AG of India.
2. CA Firm/Bidder needs to be registered with GST.
3. There should be at least 5(five) partners in the firm with at least 1(one) full time FCA ( Fellow Chartered Accountant ) and 2 ( two ) full time ACA ( Associate Chartered Accountant ).
4. The firm should have an office or Branch office at Guwahati, Assam
5. They should have experience in preparation and/or updating of Internal Audit Manual for Central Govt/State Govt/PSU/Autonomous bodies of Central/State Govt. in the last 5 ( five ) years.
6. Duly Certified Annual turnover of the Firm: Average of last 3 ( three ) financial years
must be at least 75 Lakh and with turnover not less than Rs 50 Lakh in any of the above 3( three ) financial years.

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