Extension of upto 30th of April to be granted for all statutory compliances: The Chamber of Tax Consultants

Studycafe | Mar 19, 2020 |

Extension of upto 30th of April to be granted for all statutory compliances: The Chamber of Tax Consultants

Extension of upto 30th of April to be granted for all statutory compliances: The Chamber of Tax Consultants

The Chamber of Tax Consultants, has recently given a representation that Extension of upto 30th of April to be granted for all statutory compliances.

Fear of the coronavirus known as Covid-19, is increasing day by day. WHO has declared it as an pandemic crisis and each country including India is taking actions which would reduce the panic. March is the last month of the Financial Year and therefore has its own importance.

Extension of upto 30th of April to be granted for all statutory compliances: The Chamber of Tax Consultants

Presently, due to the risk of Covid-19, many of business houses are either virtually shut or working with lower capacity. In various cities the government or the local municipal corporation has already declared to work from home and/or to work at 50% of the capacity.

In this scenario it is unjust to expect the taxpayers to pay taxes & file statements/returns whose deadlines are in the month of March. It would be just that a blanket extension of time upto 30th of April is granted for all statutory compliances and if the situation of Covid-19 worsens further extension for such compliances and also for payment of taxes be considered.

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