Haryana’s GST collection increased by 16%: Deputy CM Dushyant

Haryana's GST collection increased by 16%: Deputy CM Dushyant

Reetu | May 9, 2022 |

Haryana’s GST collection increased by 16%: Deputy CM Dushyant

Haryana’s GST collection increased by 16%: Deputy CM Dushyant

Haryana’s deputy chief minister announced on Sunday that the state’s revenue from the goods and services tax (GST) increased by 16 percent in 2021-22, placing it sixth in the country.

The total GST collection in 2021-22 was 35,390 crore, up from 30,507 crore in the previous financial year, the deputy chief minister said at a press conference today.

“This year, we have set a target of 40,000 crore for GST collection,” he added.

The deputy CM stated that the total SGST collection has reached 15,115 crore, up from 11,959 crore previously. He stated that an increase in SGST revenue was possible when a team of officials was formed to crack down on GST evasion.

He stated that initiatives were done to reduce data retrieval delays, and that the GST offices in Haryana were modernised at a cost of 30 crore.

Dushyant stated that transit slips were adopted to improve control of interstate liquor traffic, and high-security holograms were also implemented as part of the track and trace system.

He stated that flow metres and CCTV cameras had been installed at all Haryana distilleries and bottling plants. There will also be the option of using a QR code system to ensure process transparency.

Strong coalition

The deputy chief minister stated that the BJP-JJP coalition will run jointly in the upcoming Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and local body elections. He stated that the coalition administration is working smoothly and successfully. He further stated that the BJP and JJP will fight the next Lok Sabha and assembly elections together.

In response to a query, Dushyant stated that every political party is preparing for the local body elections, and that the BJP-JJP will decide on the seat-sharing formula, which is already being discussed.

According to the deputy chief minister, the Haryana government has begun the process of holding elections as soon as the Punjab and Haryana high court gives its approval.

Patwaris receive digital assistance

According to the deputy chief minister, all tehsils and patwarkhanas would be provided with digital tools, and farmers will be able to self-report agricultural loss through a shared platform.

He stated that the Haryana government will soon launch a service that will allow farmers to upload crop damage information via their cell phones, hence reducing the delay.

He also stated that, “They have set an excise revenue target of Rs 9,200 crore for 2022-23. The excise revenue in the previous financial year was Rs 7938.8 crore, a 17% increase over Rs 6791.98 crore in the 2020-21 financial year.”

Source : Link

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