HPSC Recruitment 2023 for 25 Vacancies: Check Post, Age Limit and How to Apply

HPSC has invited applications from desirous and eligible candidates for recruitment of Principal (College Cadre), and Class-I (Gazetted) on a regular basis. Check details here.

HPSC Recruitment 2023 for 25 Vacancies

Reetu | Dec 31, 2022 |

HPSC Recruitment 2023 for 25 Vacancies: Check Post, Age Limit and How to Apply

HPSC Recruitment 2023 for 25 Vacancies: Check Posts, Age Limit and How to Apply

HPSC Recruitment 2023: The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPSC) is inviting applications from desirous and eligible candidates for recruitment of Principal (College Cadre), and Class-I (Gazetted) on regular basis. There are total of 25 Vacancies for the given posts.

The Candidates should hold a Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks from a recognized University. Candidates should be between 18 to 45 years of age. The commission will form a screening-cum-evaluation committee, which will verify/evaluate the Academic Performance Indicator (API) Score in PBAS and make the final selection.

Desirous and eligible candidates can apply through Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) via the Official Website. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and will be rejected straightway.

As per the HPSC Recruitment 2023 Official Notification, the last date to submit the application is 27/01/2023.

Table of Content
  1. Name of Post for HPSC Recruitment 2023:
  2. No. of Vacancies for HPSC Recruitment 2023:
  3. Age Limit for HPSC Recruitment 2023:
  4. Qualification and Experience Required for HPSC Recruitment 2023:
  5. Mode of Recruitment for HPSC Recruitment 2023:
  6. Eligibility Conditions for HPSC Recruitment 2023:
  7. How to Apply for HPSC Recruitment 2023:

Name of Post for HPSC Recruitment 2023:

HPSC is inviting applications from desirous and eligible candidates for recruitment of Principal (College Cadre), and Class-I (Gazetted) on regular basis.

No. of Vacancies for HPSC Recruitment 2023:

There are total of 25 Vacancies (UR = 14, UR Ex-SM = 04, S.C. of H.P. = 04, S.T. of H.P. = 01 and O.B.C. of H.P. = 02), for the given posts.

Age Limit for HPSC Recruitment 2023:

The Candidates should be between 18 to 45 years of age.

Notes to Age Limit:

1. Five years relaxation in upper age limit is admissible only to the bonafide S.C. of H.P. / S.T. of H.P. / O.B.C. of H.P. /W.F.F. of H.P. / Persons with disabilities of Himachal Pradesh. For H.P. Govt. employees and Ex-Servicemen of H.P.; age relaxation is as per Government’s instructions issued from time to time. The age relaxation for these categories is available only if there is a post reserved for these categories.

2. Age of a candidate shall be reckoned as on 01.01.2022.

Qualification and Experience Required for HPSC Recruitment 2023:

(i) A Master’s Degree with atleast 55%marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed by a recognized University.

(ii) A Ph.D. Degree in the concerned / allied/ relevant discipline (s) in the institutions concerned with evidence of published work and research guidance.

(iii) Associate Professor with a total experience of fifteen years of teaching / research / administration in Universities, Colleges and other institutions of higher education duly recognized by the Central / H.P. Government.

(iv) A minimum Consolidated Academic Performance Indicator (API) score of 400 points from category III (Research and Academic Contributions) of APIs as stipulated in Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Appraisal System.

Mode of Recruitment for HPSC Recruitment 2023:

Screening-cum-Evaluation Committee shall be constituted by the commission, who shall verify/ evaluate the Academic Performance Indicator (API) Score in PBAS and make the final selection of candidates.

Eligibility Conditions for HPSC Recruitment 2023:

The date of determining the eligibility of all candidates in terms of essential qualification(s), experience etc., if any, shall be reckoned as on the closing date for submission of Online Recruitment Applications through ORA portal.

Candidates from the reserved categories who are appointed on their own merit and not because of reservation, i.e. S.C./S.T./O.B.C./E.W.S., will not be adjusted against reserved points and will be adjusted against unreserved points. The S.C. / S.T. candidate appointed on their own merit (via direct recruitment or promotion) and adjusted against unreserved points will retain their S.C. / S.T. status and will be eligible for reservation benefits in future / further promotions, if any.

How to Apply for HPSC Recruitment 2023:

Desirous and eligible candidates can apply through Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) via Official Website. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and will be rejected straightway.

The candidates should exercise due care while entering their Mobile Numbers and e-mail IDs in the Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) for immediate intimation with regard to their application.

As per the HPSC Recruitment 2023 Official Notification, the last date to submit the application is 27/01/2023.

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