India wide Parents Association writes to Election Commission to ensure that all Exams are held after Lok Sabha Elections

The India Wide Parents' Association writes to the Chief Election Commissioner, expressing worries about upcoming exams coinciding with Lok Sabha election dates.

India wide Parents Association writes to Election Commission on CA Exam concerns

Reetu | Mar 28, 2024 |

India wide Parents Association writes to Election Commission to ensure that all Exams are held after Lok Sabha Elections

India wide Parents Association writes to Election Commission to ensure that all Exams are held after Lok Sabha Elections

The India Wide Parents’ Association writes to the Chief Election Commissioner, expressing worries about upcoming exams coinciding with Lok Sabha election dates. Urges the poll body to work with authorities to guarantee that entrance and exams for state and central universities be held following the elections.

In a letter to the Chief Election Commissioner, the association clarifies their purpose and why they are writing in favour of an extension of exam dates. They mentioned that numerous students will be affected and face undeniable problems due to the election work.

As, we know ahead of the election, various activities are done by the ministers and party workers to support the parties and ask for votes. Party workers hold rallies before elections and many more things.

The Letter Read as follows:


The Chief Election Commissioner

I would like to bring it to your kind notice that several Entrance Exams and State and Central University Exams are scheduled during the upcoming Lok Sabha 2024 Elections

Several students will be affected and will face a lot of problems in terms of transport and accommodation and also will face problems during exams as there could be protests, rallies, road blockages, traffic jams and even riots due to which students may not be able to appear for exams.

I, therefore, request you to kindly intervene and coordinate with UGC, NTA and all the Universities and examination conducting bodies to hold the exam after elections in the larger interest of students.

Yours Sincerely,
Adv. Anubha Shrivastava Sahai

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