Ritesh Garg | May 26, 2022 |
Introduction of Corporate Tax in the UAE
On January 31st, 2022, the Ministry of Finance of the UAE announced the introduction of Corporate tax (“CT”). Corporate tax is a form of direct tax levied on net profits of corporations and other businesses. Corporate tax is also referred to as “Corporate Income tax” or “Business Profits tax” in some countries.
Historically, the UAE has not imposed taxes on the profits of corporations except in industries such as oil and gas and foreign banks. The UAE first introduced a VAT @5% in 2018, it is an indirect tax levy levied on goods and services, with a few exemptions. With reducing potential from fossil fuels, and a fast-growing economy, it was a good opportunity for the government to tax revenues on businesses to accelerate the development and transformation to achieve the strategic growth objectives. Another reason to introduce corporate tax is to bring the nation in line with international norms, and to tackle to tax avoidance. It will also help disincentives foreign businesses from trying to use the country as a base to avoid tax in their home countries.
The UAE CT regime will become effective for financial years starting on or after 1 June 2023
CT will apply to all UAE businesses and commercial activities, except for the extraction of natural resources, which will remain subject to Emirate level corporate taxation.
CT will not apply to:
Companies and branches registered in free zones will also fall within the scope of CT regime and will be subject to tax filing requirements, however such entities would be subject to a 0% CT provided they maintain adequate substance and comply with regulatory requirements. A free zone entity with a branch in mainland UAE will be taxed at a regular CT rate on mainland source income while continuing to benefit from the 0% CT rate on its “other income”. Where a free zone person transacts with mainland UAE but does not have a mainland branch, the free zone person can continue to benefit from the 0% CT rate if its income from mainland UAE is limited to ‘passive’ income (meaning interest and royalties, and dividends and capital gains from owning shares in mainland UAE companies). The 0% CT rate will also apply to any transactions between free zone entities and their group companies in mainland UAE. However, payments made to free zone entities by a mainland group company will not be tax deductible.
The introduction of CT in the UAE follows from the UAE’s role as a member of the OECD inclusive framework, particularly considering discussions on the global minimum tax proposed by Pillar II. The proposed tax rate of 9% remains highly competitive in comparison to other jurisdictions and global financial centers. Once the regime takes effect, different businesses might want to reconsider their corporate structures to avail themselves of the available tax benefits.
We would be happy to help clients consider and review their current corporate structures to assess the impact of the proposed UAE CT rules and discuss any opportunities resulting therefrom.
The information in this page is meant to provide an initial introduction to the proposed UAE Corporate Tax (CT) regime in advance of relevant legislation being finalised and promulgated. It is not intended to comprehensively address all possible aspects of the UAE CT regime or to provide definitive answers and should not be used for individual or business decisions as it does not represent the final legislation.
Source: Corporate Tax. Corporate tax. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2022, from https://www.mof.gov.ae/en/resourcesAndBudget/Pages/faq.aspx
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