Know Minimum Fee Tax Audit/Audit Fees recommended by ICAI to Chartered Accountants

The ICAI has suggested a range of charges for Tax audit-related services, starting at a minimum of Rs.1000 and rising to any level depending on the complexity of the work.

Know Minimum Fee recommended by ICAI to CA

Reetu | Sep 25, 2023 |

Know Minimum Fee Tax Audit/Audit Fees recommended by ICAI to Chartered Accountants

Know Minimum Fee Tax Audit/Audit Fees recommended by ICAI to Chartered Accountants

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has suggested a range of charges for Tax audit-related services, starting at a minimum of Rs.1000 and rising to any level depending on the complexity of the work.

The fees mentioned above are proposed but not required for the benefit of Chartered Accountants. As part of its commitment to improving the capabilities of its practitioners, the ICAI’s Committee for Members in Practice (CMP) has revised the Minimum Recommended Scale of Fees for professional assignments performed by ICAI members.

This suggestion pertains to the fees that should be charged for a variety of professional assignments based on the services provided. Fees are proposed in three categories for cities classified as Class A, Class B, and Class C.

ParticularsRevised Minimum Recommended Scale of Fees
Class ‘A’ Cities (Rs.)Class ‘B’ Cities (Rs.)Class ‘C’ Cities (Rs.)
Rate per day would depend on the complexity of the work and the number of days spent by each person
(i) Principal18,000/-& Above per day12,000/ – & Above per day8,000/- & Above per day
(ii) Qualified Assistants10,000/-& Above per day7,000/- & Above per day5,000/- & Above per day
(iii) Semi Qualified Assistants5,000/- & Above per day4,000/-& Above per day3,000/- & Above per day
(iv) Other Assistants3,000/-& Above per day2,000/- & Above per day1,000/- & Above per day
Subject to minimum indicative Fees as under: 
(i) Tax Audit40,000/-& Above30,000/- & Above22,000/- & Above
(ii) Company Audit
(a) Small Pvt. Ltd. Co. (Turnover up to Rs.2 crore)50,000/-& Above35,000/- & Above25,000/-& Above
(b) Medium Size Pvt. Ltd. Co./ Public Ud. Co.80,000/-& Above55,000/-& Above35,000/- & Above
(c) Large Size Pvt. Ltd. Co./ PublicSee Note 1See Note 1See Note 1
(iv) Review of TDS Compliance25,000/-& Above18,000/-& Above12,000/& Above
(v) Transfer Pricing AuditSee Note 1See Note 1See Note 1

Note 1: Fees should be charged depending on the complexities of the Assignment.

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