The State Bank of India has launched the "Mobile Handheld Device" for its FI customers in a significant step towards improving accessibility and convenience in using banking services.
Reetu | Oct 5, 2023 |
SBI launches Mobile Handheld Device to provide Banking Services to Financial Inclusion Customers
The State Bank of India has launched the “Mobile Handheld Device” for its FI customers in a significant step towards improving accessibility and convenience in using banking services.
This innovative initiative, unveiled by the Chairman of SBI, Shri Dinesh Khara, aims to empower financial inclusion and extend essential banking services to the masses.
The Mobile Handheld Device will revolutionise access to banking by bringing kiosk banking right to customers’ front doors. It provides customer service point (CSP) agents with more flexibility, allowing them to reach out to clients wherever they may be.
Customers who have difficulty getting to CSP outlets due to health issues, senior citizens, and Divyangjans will particularly benefit from the initiative.
In its initial phase, the mobile handheld device will offer five core banking services, including cash withdrawal, cash deposit, fund transfer, balance inquiry, and mini statement, which together make up more than 75% of all transactions made at SBI’s CSP outlets.
The bank also intends to soon increase the services it offers by adding things like social security enrollments, account opening, remittance, and card-based services.
According to SBI Chairman Shri Dinesh Khara, “Our goal is to make banking facilities accessible to all segments of society, particularly the unbanked, to fulfil the aspirations of financial inclusion. Customers will experience seamless and lifelike transactions at their location thanks to the introduction of the mobile handheld device. This technological initiative highlights SBI’s dedication to advancing financial inclusion and social welfare through digitization by offering our customers convenient and doorstep banking.”
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