ICSI Commerce Olympiad 2023 for Students of Class 11 and 12

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is organising the Commerce Olympiad for students of Classes 11th and 12th.

ICSI Commerce Olympiad 2023

Reetu | Nov 18, 2023 |

ICSI Commerce Olympiad 2023 for Students of Class 11 and 12

ICSI Commerce Olympiad 2023 for Students of Class 11 and 12

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is organising the Commerce Olympiad for students of Classes 11th and 12th.

The ICSI Commerce Olympiad aims to ensure a better learning outcome for students by focusing on core topics such as Accounts, Economics, and Business Studies as well as new age topics such as Taxation, Business Administration, Banking, Insurance, and Financial Management, which allows students to get a comprehensive review of their learnings.

According to the notification, the ICSI Commerce Olympiad will be held on December 14, 2023, for students of class 11 and 12. The ICSI Commerce Olympiad will consist of 50 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to be answered in 50 minutes, with questions based on Accounts, Business Studies, Economics, Financial Market, Management, Taxation, Business Administration, Banking, and Insurance.

The ICSI Commerce Olympiad will be held online, and the Examination link will be issued at 11 a.m. on the exam date (November 14th, 2023), with the results to be announced in January 2024.

Schools/colleges have been instructed to create an Excel spreadsheet containing information such as the student’s name, class and section in grades 11 and 12, Click on the Google Form to fill out the necessary school information and submit the excel file on this Google Form. Registration will be handled within 5 working days, and student registration details for the ICSI Commerce Olympiad will be provided to the registered school Email ID.

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