The BPSC has announced the 68th combined competitive examination prelims examination result held on February 12, 2023. The roll number of qualified candidates and cut off marks has been mentioned in the official PDF.
AASHISH KUMAR JHA | Mar 27, 2023 |
BPSC 68th Prelims Result 2023: Check PDF, Cut Off, Merit List
BPSC 68th Prelims Result 2023: The 68th combined competitive examination of the BPSC (Bihar Public Service Commission) result has been declared by the BPSC today (on March 27, 2023). The roll numbers of the qualified candidates has been released by the BPSC in the official pdf. The official pdf of the BPSC 68th prelims examination result has been attached below for download. The 68th combined competitive examination of the BPSC (Bihar Public Service Commission) was held on February 12, 2023. The exam is conducted annually to recruit candidates for the state’s Group A and Group B seats. Nearly 4.34 lakh candidates appeared in the first phase (known as Prelims/Preliminary) exam.
According to the official PDF, 3,590 candidates have been declared qualified for the next phase 68th BPSC recruitment prelims examination. The result has been published on the official website of the BPSC. Candidates qualifying this phase has become eligible for the next phase of the exam, known as the main exam. Aspirants who qualify for the main exam will become eligible for the interview round. To become eligible for the service, a candidate must pass all three stages.
As per the official PDF, the cut off for various categories for the 68th combined competitive examination of the BPSC for prelims phase have been mentioned below:
EBC | 86.50 |
EWS | 87.25 |
SC | 79.25 |
ST | 74.00 |
PWD/PH (VI) | 69.50 |
The BPSC will soon release the official answer key for this examination. Candidates who are not satisfied with their marks can apply for challenge of marks, once the official answer key is released. The 68th BPSC Recruitment Mains exam is going to be held on May 12, 2023. Candidates can view the official result on the BPSC’s official website.
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