CBSE has recently released an official notification to remind its all affiliated schools to upload prescribed mandatory documents and staff details on the Schools' website.
Saloni | Jan 9, 2025 |
CBSE Reminds Its Affiliated Schools to Upload Mandatory Documents and Staff Details on Their Official Websites
CBSE Reminder: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has recently released an official notification to remind its all affiliated schools to upload prescribed mandatory documents and staff details on the Schools’ website. CBSE has provided all essential directions to its affiliated schools to develop their own individual website and upload all the necessary documents, and details of the staff teachers such as their educational information and all others as prescribed in the official notice, along with this all the documents as part of Mandatory Public Disclosure, as per the prescribed format.
According to the official notice of CBSE, the board specified that it has released various circulars to its affiliated schools regarding the formation of their official websites. However, still there are multiple schools who do not have their own functional websites. There are some schools who have created their websites but have not uploaded the required documents and details yet. Some have uploaded the documents but incomplete, documents are not completely displaying on the homepage.
Hence, after issuing so many notices, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has now set a deadline of upto 30 days for all its affiliated schools. CBSE has clearly mentioned in its official notice, that if schools who unable to upload all the required documents by the specified time limit then legal action will be taken against those schools, as per Chapter 12 in accordance with Chapter 13 of Affiliation Bye-Laws, without any further reminder.
The official notice released states that, “Board is giving one final opportunity to all affiliated schools who have not yet complied with the above instructions, with a direction to carefully go through both the circulars cited above and upload all prescribed information and documents in an unambiguous and absolute manner within 30 days of the issue of this Circular, failing which the Board shall be constraint to initiate necessary-proceedings and imposing penalty against the erring schools as per Chapter 12 in accordance with Chapter 13 of Affiliation Bye-Laws, without any further reminder.”
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