Draft Disclosures of ICDS for AY 2024-25

ICDS were issued by the Government of India in the exercise of powers conferred to it under section 145(2) of The Income Tax Act, 1961.

Disclosures of Income Computation and Disclosure Standards for AY 2024-25

Reetu | Sep 13, 2024 |

Draft Disclosures of ICDS for AY 2024-25

Draft Disclosures of ICDS for AY 2024-25

The Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS) were issued by the Government of India in the exercise of powers conferred to it under section 145(2) of The Income Tax Act, 1961. The Ministry of Finance published 14 draft ICDS, out of which 10 ICDS were notified by the government on 31 March 2015.

ICDS applies to all taxpayers and differs from AS; the Income Tax Act takes precedence over ICDS. Authorities can assess income based on their best judgment for ICDS noncompliance. The ICDS list covers policies for inventories, assets, foreign exchange, provisions, and more. They differ from the relevant AS and lack explanations or examples.

Here in this article, we are presenting, the draft disclosures of ICDS for AY 2024-25.

Draft Disclosures of ICDS as compiled by CA Nitin Kanwar for Assessment Year 2024-25

ICDS I-Accounting Policies

1. The significant accounting policies adopted and followed by the assessee are disclosed as per the Schedule attached to the financial statements.

2. There is no change in Accounting Policy which has material effect on the Financial Statements


2. There is a change in Accounting Policy which is as follows ————-(mention that policy). It has a material effect of Rs.______ in the financial statements.

3. Following fundamental accounting assumptions are not followed, Please Note: This point is to be reported in case any of the fundamental accounting assumptions are not followed. For example:-

i) Going Concern: Where there is a question on the same and the same has to be reported in the Audit Report under Co’s Act as well.

ii) Accural: Where the accrual as per Section 5 of the Income Tax Act has been followed. The same has to be reported.

ICDS II-Valuation of Inventories

1. The accounting policies adopted in measuring inventories including the cost formula used are disclosed as per schedules attached to the financial statements.

2. The total carrying amount of inventories and its classification is disclosed as per annexure 35a of the Tax Audit Report.


1. …………………….Private Limited is engaged in Software Development Business and the company has no inventory;

Henceforth this ICDS is not applicable, accordingly, the disclosure requirement is not applicable (Where there is no inventory).

ICDS III-Construction Contracts

1. Since the assessee is not engaged in the activities of construction contracts, hence this ICDS is not applicable to the assessee and consequently no disclosure is required under ICDS-III.


1. The assessee is engaged in the activities of construction activities and the amount of Rs.______ as contract revenue has been recognised during the year and the same has been recognized as per the Percentage Completion Method.

2. In the context of the Contract in progress at the reporting date:

a) amount of Rs.__________, as the cost incurred and recognized profits (less recognized losses) upto the reporting date.

b) the amount of Rs._______ , as advances received; and

c) the amount of Rs.___________ , as retentions.

ICDS IV-Revenue Recognition

1. There is no amount in respect of a transaction involving the sale of goods that has not been recognized as revenue during the previous year due to a lack of reasonable certainty of its ultimate collection.

2. Since firm has not undertaken any service transactions, thus there is no disclosure required under para 13(b), 13(c) and 13(d) of ICDS-IV.


2. The firm has undertaken any service transactions, the amount of Rs.____________ as revenue from Service transaction recognized during the year.

a) Revenue on Service Contracts for less than 90 days has been recognized as per Project Completion Method.

b) Revenue on Service Contracts, which are indeterminate no of acts for a particular period, has been recognized as per Straight Line Method

c) Revenue on Service Contracts, item than (a) & (b) stated above has been recognized as per Percentage Compeltion Method.

d) Service Transaction in progress at the end of previous year:

i) amount of Rs costs incured and recognized profits (less recognized losses) upto end of previous year.
ii) the amount of Rs._____ , as advances received; and
iii) The amount of Rs.________ , as retentions.

ICDS V-Tangible Fixed Assets

(a) The description of the block of assets, rate of depreciation, actual cost or written down value, depreciation allowable and written down value at the end of the year in respect of the tangible fixed assets are stated as per point/clause No. 18 to this form 3CD.

(b) Additions or deductions during the year with dates, in case of any addition of an asset, date put to use including adjustments on account of CENVAT claimed, change in rate of currency and subsidy or grant or reimbursement, are stated as per schedule 8 of annexed financial statements and as per Addition Details (From Point No. 18) to this form 3CD.

ICDS VII-Governments Grants

1. The assessee has not received any government grant during the previous year, thus there is no disclosure required under ICDS- VII.


1. Where there is Government Grants is received:

a) nature and extent of Government Grants recognized during the previous year by way of deduction from the actual cost of the asset or assets or from the written down value of block of assets during the previous year;

b) nature and extent of Government Grants recognized during the previous year as income;

c) nature and extent of Government Grants not recognized during the previous year by way of deduction from the actual cost of the assest or assets or from the written down value of block of assets and the reason thereof; and

d) nature and extent of Government Grants not recognized during the previous year as income and reason thereof.

ICDS IX Borrowing Costs and ICDS X-Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

(a) The accounting policies adopted for borrowing costs is disclosed as per Schedule attached with the financial statements.

(b) The assessee is not carrying any inventory that require a period of 12 months or more to bring them to a saleable condition hence no borrowing costs has been accounted for in the costs of inventory.

(c) The assessee is not required to capitalize any borrowing costs during the previous year.


(c) The assessee has capitalized amount of Rs. as borrowing cost during the year.

(a) Since no Contingent Liabilities have been recognized and disclosures are required in terms of the para 21(1) of ICDS-X.

(b) The provisions is disclosed as per Note No. 9 to the annexed audited financial statements.

The contingent asset has not been recognized and no disclosures are required in terms of the paragraph 21(2) to the ICDS –X.

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