ED attached 8 immovable properties worth Rs.3.51 Crore belongs to Vidiyo Rai

ED attached 8 immovable properties worth Rs.3.51 Crore belongs to Vidiyo Rai

Reetu | Sep 6, 2022 |

ED attached 8 immovable properties worth Rs.3.51 Crore belongs to Vidiyo Rai

ED attached 8 immovable properties worth Rs.3.51 Crore belongs to Vidiyo Rai

The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) has provisionally attached 8 immovable properties worth Rs. 3.51 Crore at Distt.- Samastipur, Bihar pertaining to Vidiyo Rai and his family members under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 in a money laundering case.

ED started looking into money laundering based on FIRs that EOU, Bihar had filed under several sections of the IPC, 1860, as well as sections 25 (1-b) A and 26 of the Arms Act, 1959. It was asserted that Vidiyo Rai engaged in the illegal sale and purchase of alcohol as well as other criminal activity and bought a number of real estate properties.

In order to conceal the Proceeds of Crime, Vidiyo Rai used a number of bank accounts belonging to both her close relatives and her extended family, according to an ED investigation. He and his family members received enormous sums of money in their bank accounts under the guise of loaned funds in an effort to hide the Proceeds of Crime.

In an effort to disguise his unlawful income as legitimate, he also engaged in the practise of filing fraudulent ITRs in the names of both himself and his family members. In order to protect himself and his colleagues from the reach of the law, he also transferred real estate and land into the name of a third party. A sale deed was signed but no money was exchanged.

On the basis of investigation till date, ED identified 08 immovable properties/lands situated at Samastipur, Bihar in the name of accused person Vidiyo Rai and his family members having worth Rs 3.51 Crore and the same has been attached under the provisions of PMLA, 2002.

Further investigation in the case is going on.

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