Empanelment of CA Firm for GST Compliances of Delhi Development Authority

Empanelment of CA Firm for GST Compliances of Delhi Development Authority

Reetu | May 12, 2022 |

Empanelment of CA Firm for GST Compliances of Delhi Development Authority

Empanelment of CA Firm for GST Compliances of Delhi Development Authority

DDA intends to Engage Consultant for carrying out a study of a current system of GST compliances by DDA and suggest mechanism for optimising the procedures, strengtheening compliances under GST by inviting open Tender. Interested agencies may send their tender on or before 27.05.2022 up to 3.00 P.M. to the Chief Accounts Officer, DDA, Vikas Sadan, New Delhi. For details, please visit DDA’s website at https://dda.gov.in/tender/public notice.

Eligibility Criteria :

1. The Bidder should be a reputed Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant(s) Proprietor / Firm /Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) registered with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India / Institute of Cost Accountants of India and having minimum experience of 5 years.

2. Firm should have minimum 2 partners (Qualifying Partners), and at least 10 C.A. employees (Qualifying Employees) on its payroll (as on 31.03.2022).

3. All Qualifying partner and Qualifying Employee must be associated with the firm for a period not less than one year as on 31.03.2022.

4. Firm should have their head office/Registered office in Delhi/NCR.

5. The firm should not be banned or blacklisted or temporarily forbidden from applying for tenders for any type of audit by PSU/ local authority / Govt. Company/ Ministry/ Govt. Department.

6. The Firm or any of the partners of the firm should not have any disciplinary matters pending with ICAI and they should not have suffered any disqualification.

Documents Required:

1. Constitution Certificate of the firm.

2. Self-declaration or ICAI registration certificate, in case applicant firm is registered with ICAI.

3. GST Registration certificate of the firm.

The interested agencies are requested to submit their offer with all necessary information in two parts as per the details given hereunder. Both parts of the offer must be submitted in separate sealed envelopes clearly super scribing Part-I (Technical Bid) and Part­ II (Financial Bid) on the cover Itself. Both parts of the offer addressed to the Chief Accounts Officer, Delhi Development Authority must be put In the box kept in the office Room of the Chief Accounts Officer at B-205 (2nd floor) Vikas Sadan, INA Market, New Delhi-110023, on or before 20.05.2022 up to 3.00 P.M. Part 1 of the offer will be opened at 3.30 P.M. on the same day in the presence of the intending bidders or their authorized representatives.

The weightage for assessment of technical portion of bid & financial bid will be in the ratio of 80:20 i.e. maximum of 80 marks will be assigned to technical Bids and 20 marks will be assigned for financial bid. The minimum qualifying technical evaluation marks will be as 70% of 80, i.e. 56.

The marks for financial bid shall be determined by the formula Fs=20xPmin./P where Pmin. is the lowest quoted fee and p is the fee quoted in the proposal under consideration.

The proposal shall be ranked based on combined marks. (QCCB) in the technical evaluation and financial evaluation in the ratio of 80:20.

After due evaluation of Technical bid as per part-I of the offer, the Financial Bid as per part-II will be opened only in respect of those firms who will secure minimum marks in the evaluation of technical Bid.

In case of Tie of marks, the agency with higher Technical Score will be selected. Further, in case of tie in Technical score, the agency with the lowest financial quote will be selected and further in case of tie in financial quote, selection will be made on the basis of draw of lots.

A PRE-BID meeting shall be held on 12.05.2022 at 3.00 P.M. in the Chamber of Chief Accounts Officer, Room No. 205, B-Block, Vikas Sadan, INA, New Delhi to address the various queries of the prospective bidders.


1. In case of non-fulfillment of obligation as above, the Competent Authority of DDA in its absolute discretion may impose such penalty being not more than the loss suffered or as it may deem fit.

2. In case the consultants do not complete the job or leave it in between, the DDA will have the right to get the assignment completed from other agency and such amount will be recovered from the Consultants as arrears of land revenue, if not paid on demand.

3. Scope of work may be increased or decreased in mutual agreement.

4. Delhi Development Authority reserves the right to· modify/amend/alter/delete/cancel all or any of the conditions of this letter without assigning any reason thereof.

5. DDA reserves the right to reject any or all the bid (s) without assigning any reason.

6. The selected firm will have no right to claim any compensation if the assignment is cancelled/terminated/ amended by DDA at any stage.

7. DDA will not be responsible for any delay in postal transit.

8. The legal jurisdiction on any dispute arising out of this assignment between DDA and the designated firm will be the Courts in Delhi only.

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