Empanelment of CA Firms for Direct Tax Compliance of IFCI Limited
Reetu | Jan 3, 2022 |
Empanelment of CA Firms for Direct Tax Compliance of IFCI Limited
Request for Proposal (RFP) For Engagement of Consultant for Direct Tax Matters of IFCI Limited.
a. IFCI invites bids for Engagement of Consultant for Direct Tax Matters of IFCI Limited, from Chartered Accountancy (CA) Firm registered with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) with a minimum 10 years’ experience and based in Delhi NCR area.
b. Contract would be for a period of one year, with an option to extend it for another two year(s) in one or more tranches at the discretion of IFCI at mutually agreed terms and conditions.
c. Selected Bidder has to provide, manage and maintain all necessary infrastructure components and services that would be necessary as per the requirements of this RFP. The assignment shall be completed to the satisfaction of IFCI.
d. IFCI reserves the right to alter the scope of work at any stage with suitable adjustment in fees payable.
Tender Notice No
Tender Name
Engagement of Consultant for Direct Tax Matters of IFCI Limited
Bid Security / EMD
EMD Declaration as per Annexure 11
Date of Issue
Date of Pre-Bid Meeting
03/01/2022, 3:00 PM (Through WEBEX Meeting. Mail to [email protected] for meeting link)
Last date for seeking clarifications
04/01/2022, 02:30 PM
Last date & time of submission of Bid (Technical & Financial Bid)
17/01/2022, 12:00 Noon
Tender Document
The details can be downloaded from CPP portal www.eprocure.gov.in or from IFCI website https://www.ifciltd.com/(Tenders – procurement-goodsand- services).
Date & time of opening of Technical Bids
18/01/2022, 12:30 PM
Date & time of opening of Financial Bids
Shall be communicated to technically qualified bidders
Name of the contact person for any clarification
Shri Saurabh Kumar (Mob: 9810094438)
Shri Bhagwan Singh (Mob: 9990725640)
E-mail Address
[email protected] (Please quote the RFP No. in the Subject Line of the e-mail)
Validity of Proposal
The rates in tender document shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of Ninety (90) days from the last date of submission of Bid (Technical and Financial), including extensions, if any.
Note: IFCI reserves the right to cancel the Tender process at any stage. Bidders are required to provide EMD Declaration as per Annexure 11. Bids received without EMD Declaration shall be liable to be rejected.
1. Bidders who wish to participate in this tender will have to register online at https://eprocure.gov.in. To participate in online tenders, bidders will have to procure Digital Signature Certificate (Type-III) as per information Technology Act-2000 using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from any certifying agency approved by Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA).
Bidders who already have a valid Digital Certificate need not procure a new Digital Certificate. The bidders are requested to read carefully the user manual available on the website https://eprocure.gov.in before initiating the process of E-Tendering.
In case of any clarification / assistance Bidder may contact the Help Desk of e-Procurement CPP Portal before the schedule time of Online Bid Submission as per the details mentioned below:
E-mail ID : [email protected]
Phone No. : 0120-4001002, 4001005, 6277787
2. shall submit their offers online in an electronic format both for “Technical” and “Financial bid”.
On Line submission of bids: The online bids will have to be digitally signed and submitted within the time specified on website https://eprocure.gov.in the following manner:-
a) Technical Bid: Scanned Copies to be uploaded (.pdf):
i. Bidders shall upload the EMD declaration form (Annexure 11) along with technical bid.
ii. The technical information should be prepared very carefully and as indicated in the tender document since it will form the basis for pre-qualification and technical scoring of bidders. Only relevant and to the point information/document should be uploaded. Failure to provide any required information, may lead to the rejection of the offer. Bidders must read the tender document very carefully before signing on it.
iii. Technical bid i.e., all Annexures (including all the pages of tender document), except Financial Bid, must be signed by the authorized representative along with date as token of acceptance of the terms & conditions of tender.
b) Financial Bid: (.xls): Bidders must read the terms and condition as mentioned in the format / tender document and submit the form accordingly. Bidders are required to check the prices / amount carefully before uploading financial bid.
4. Submission of more than one bid is not allowed and shall result in disqualification of bidder.
5. Validity of bids: Tender submitted by Bidders shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of Ninety (90) days from the last date of submission of Bid (Technical and Financial), including extensions, if any.
7. Authorization and Attestation:
The bidders have to submit an Authorization Letter or valid Power of Attorney on behalf of firm for signing the document.
8. The Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract also form part of the Open-Tender specifications. The information furnished shall be complete by itself. The Bidders are required to furnish all the details and other documents as required.
9. Bidders are advised to study all the tender documents carefully.
10. Any conditional bid received shall not be considered and will be summarily rejected in very first instance without any recourse to the bidder.
11. Any submission in tender shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the e-tender documents and with the full understanding of the implications thereof.
The firm applying for the assignment as mentioned in the scope of work shall fulfill the following Technical Eligibility Criteria:
1. The Bidder should be a CA Firm registered with ICAI with minimum experience of 10 Years and based in Delhi NCR Area. (9 years in case of MSEs)
2. The bidder should have an average turnover of Rs. 25 Crore or more from consultancy in Direct Tax matters in preceding three Financial Years i.e., FY: 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21. (Rs.20 crore in case of MSEs).
3. The Bidder should have positive net worth for preceding three Financial Years i.e., FY: 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21.
4. Bidder should have at least 10 partners with Chartered Accountancy qualification. The partners should have expertise in providing consultancy and representation services in direct tax matters.
5. The Bidder and its Partners should not have any conflict of interest with IFCI and accordingly, they should have declared in the manner, advised in this Tender Document.
6. Bid shall not be submitted in consortium.
7. The Bidder should have provided consultancy in direct tax matters in at least five (5) listed companies having total income of Rs. 2000 crore in any of preceding three financial years, i.e., FY: 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21.
8. The Bidder should have provided consultancy in direct tax matters at least two NBFC(s)/ Bank.
9. The Bidder must have following valid Certificates:
10. The bidder should not be black listed or banned for business by any Public Sector undertaking / Govt. Department/ MNC/ Private Limited Companies in India or abroad.
11. Work plan for effective execution of the assignment at IFCI.
12. Integrity Pact – To be executed on plain paper.
13. EMD Declaration : EMD Declaration signed by authorised signatory of the bidder on their letterhead as per format provided in Annexure 11.
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