Guidelines and Restrictions in Delhi due to Covid-19 virus

Guidelines and Restrictions in Delhi due to Covid-19 virus

Sushmita Goswami | Jan 6, 2022 |

Guidelines and Restrictions in Delhi due to Covid-19 virus

Guidelines and Restrictions in Delhi due to Covid-19 virus

The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) is satisfied that the NCT of Delhi is threatened by the spread of the COVID-19 Virus, which has already been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, and has deemed it necessary to take effective measures to prevent its spread, issuing various orders/instructions from time to time to all authorities concerned to take all necessary measures to appropriately deal with the situation in the NCT of Delhi. According to the municipal government’s health bulletin on Monday, Delhi added 4,099 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, with the positive rate climbing to 6.46 percent.

And, in the NCT of Delhi, the DDMA has issued Order No. 500 dated December 28, 2021 (copy enclosed) with regard to approved, prohibited, and restricted activities as defined at Level-1 (Yellow) in DDMA Order No. 460 dated August 8, 2021 till further orders.

Moreover, the COVID-19 situation in Delhi was reviewed again in a DDMA meeting held on January 4, 2022 under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Lt. Governor, and it was noted that the number of COVID-19 cases (including Omicron variant cases) has been rapidly increasing over the last few days, with the positivity rate crossing 6%. As a result, several further restrictions have been implemented in Delhi in order to contain the spread of COVID-19 virus, notably the extremely contagious and transmissible Omicron strain. Furthermore, it has been decided to allow the Delhi Metro and Buses to operate at full capacity, subject to strict adherence to COVID Appropriate Behavior.

As a result, in continuation of DDMA Order No. 500 dated 28.12.2021 and in exercise of powers conferred under section 22 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the undersigned, in his capacity as Chairperson, State Executive Committee, DDMA, GNCTD, hereby directs that the following additional activities shall be permitted / prohibited / restricted in the territory of the NCT of Delhi (outside Containment Zones) with immediate effect until further orders.

1.  All Offices of GNCT of Delhi/Autonomous Bodies/Corporations shall remain closed except those involved in essential and emergency services such as Health and Family Welfare and all related medical establishments, Police, Prisons, Home Guards, Civil Defence, Fire and emergency Services, District Administration, Pay & Account Office, Services, GAD, Electricity, Water and Sanitation, Public Transport (Air/Railways/Delhi Metro/Buses) including all incidental services/activities that are essential for smooth functioning of all modes of public transport ( such as handling of cargo, ticketing, air freight station, CFS, ICD etc.), Disaster Management and related services, NIC, NCC and Municipal services, DCPCR, CCls, Child-Line Helpline, ewes, Department of Women & Child Development, and all other essential services. However all officers / officials shall work from home. All Heads of Department of GNCTD shall attend their offices and may also call their relevant officers/officials in office as per requirement with regard to delivery of essential services / activities as well as COVID-19 related works. The uninterrupted delivery of public services shall be ensured by the concerned departments/agencies.

2. Transportation by Delhi Metro shall be allowed with 100% of the seating capacity. Standing passengers are not allowed.

3. There shall be “Weekend Curfew” on movement of individuals in NCT of Delhi from 10 PM of Friday till 5 AM of subsequent Monday.

Following categories of Individuals are however; exempted from the restriction on movement during night/ weekend curfew:

  • The officers/officials who are involved in essential and emergency services, as stipulated in para 4(a) above, shall be allowed, on production of valid I card during night/ weekend curfew.
  • Officers I officials of Government of India, its autonomous I subordinate offices and PSUs, on production of valid I card and as per the restrictions imposed by Government of India.
  • Hon’ble Judges and all Judicial officers I officials /staff members of all courts of Delhi (Hon’ble Supreme Court of India/ Hon’ble High Court of Delhi/ District Courts/ Tribunals) as well as Advocates / Legal Counsels, connected with the case hearing on production of valid I card / Service ID Card / Photo Entry Passes / Permission Letters Issued by the court administration.
  • Officers/officials functioning in the offices of Diplomats of various countries as well as persons holding any Constitutional post on production of valid I card.
  • All private medical personnel such as Doctors, nursing staff, paramedical, etc. and other hospital services (such as hospitals, diagnostic centers, testing laboratories, clinics, pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, medical oxygen suppliers and other medical & health services including incidental services/activities such as supply of medical instruments & consumables, sanitation, security, etc.), on production of valid I card.

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