ICAI invites Inputs of Chartered Accountants for Measuring Regulatory Cost for Businesses

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India(ICAI) has invited Inputs of Chartered Accountants for Measuring Cost for Businesses via announcement.

Measuring Cost for Businesses

Reetu | May 23, 2023 |

ICAI invites Inputs of Chartered Accountants for Measuring Regulatory Cost for Businesses

ICAI invites Inputs of Chartered Accountants for Measuring Regulatory Cost for Businesses

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India(ICAI) has invited Inputs of Chartered Accountants for Measuring Cost for Businesses via announcement.

This is with reference to the communication received from Department For Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) which is the Nodal Department for the Ease of Doing Business initiative of Government of India. Cost of Regulation (CoR) is a critical component in the overall cost for the businesses and an important parameter in mapping ease of doing business.

In this context, DPIIT has prepared a draught framework based on the issues raised during a series of discussions with states/UTs and industry. Stakeholder interaction with industry representatives is currently planned to explore the Cost of Regulations (CoR) Framework and solicit their opinion and recommendations on the same. Detailed presentation giving the framework can be viewed by clicking here.

Being Chartered Accountant the total business solution provider, DPIIT has approached ICAI for getting insights of cost of Regulation by corporates and hence a questionnaire has been developed for each service in each State. Multiple entries are accepted. You are requested to kindly fill the questionnaire in the form of google form latest by 28th May, 2023.

For Google Form – Click Here

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