Reetu | Nov 9, 2022 |
ICSI Important Instructions for CS Executive and Professional Programme Examinees Dec 2022
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI) has notified important instructions for CS Executive and CS Professional Programme Examinees Dec 2022.
CS Executive and CS Professional Programme Examination going to be held from 21st Dec to 30th Dec 2022.
Instructions are given below:
1. Immediately, after taking the print-out of the Admit Card from the website of the Institute, every Candidate is advised to carefully verify all the particulars mentioned in his/ her Admit Card, i.e. his/ her Name, Photograph, Signature, Registration Number, Stage and Module(s) of Examination enrolled for, Examination Centre (Name, Address, Code, etc.), Medium of Examination, Dates and Timings of Examination, Details of Paper-wise Exemption granted, Elective Subject in case of Professional Programme, etc. In case of any discrepancy, the same must be brought to the notice of the Institute immediately at our support portal .
2. Candidates are advised to carefully go through the “Instructions to Examinees” for their strict compliance. Since the particulars mentioned by the Candidates on the OMR based cover page of the main Answer Book are to be read by a machine for result processing activities, any wrong information mentioned may affect the result of the Candidate adversely and for that the Institute will not take any responsibility for rectifying such mistake(s).
3. PwD (Persons with Disability) Candidates are allowed facility of using Scribe and/ or Extra time during CS Examinations only on prior written approval of the Directorate of Examinations, ICSI and in such cases, eligible Candidates must directly apply to the Joint Secretary, Directorate of Examinations, ICSI as per the Guidelines. The details for availing such facilities are available at the ICSI website, under section Student sub section Examination.
4. Candidates should carry with them (i) Admit Card (please ensure that nothing is written by Candidate on the admit card); and (ii) Student Identity Card duly issued/authorised by the Institute to the Examination Centre every day for establishing their identity and securing admission to the Examination, failing which they will not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall.
Apart from these, Candidates are allowed to carry the following to the Examination Hall:
i. Special Permission/ Letter, received from the Institute granting Extra time or a Scribe/ Writer or Extra Time and Scribe, if applicable;
ii. Face mask;
iii. 50/100 ml sanitizer in transparent bottle;
iv. Stationary Items – Pen, Pencil, erasure, ordinary (not scientific) calculator of prescribed specification, scale and other requisite stationery item necessary for writing Examination in a transparent pouch;
v. Transparent water bottle (however, drinking water will be available at Examination Centre);
vi. Transparent Examination board;
vii. Wrist watch (which should not have any feature except to display time, day and date, Watch of any other specification shall not be allowed).
viii. No other item shall be allowed to be carried into the Examination premises
5. PwD (Persons with Disability) Candidates are required to carry the Special Permission/ Letter, received from the Institute granting Extra time or a Scribe/ Writer or Extra Time and Scribe to avail such facility at the Examination Centre. No Candidate will be provided any special facility including separate seating arrangement for appearing in the CS Examinations without the permission letter.
6. Candidates must verify that their names/ date of birth in the Student account registered with ICSI are correct as per the Certificate of Matriculation. Candidates should maintain uniformity in his/ her name as per the Certificate of Matriculation. In case of any discrepancy, the same should be rectified before commencement of the Examination.
7. Candidates must correctly fill/ update their details in the student account registered with the Institute at its portal with valid e-mail ID, mobile number and complete address for receiving communication/ updates/ announcements/ information, etc. with regard to CS Course/ Examination/ Result. Do not share your credentials to anybody for access to your student account registered with the Institute.
8. The Superintendent of Examination Centre and the Invigilators have been advised to verify the identity of each and every Candidate at the time of entry into the Examination Hall and while taking Candidate’s signature on the Attendance Sheet. Accordingly, each Candidate must show his/ her Admit Card and Student Identity Card to the Invigilator/Supervisory Staff on demand at any time during the course of Examination
To Read Full Instructions Download PDF Given Below:
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