MCA Updates eForm DIR-3 KYC MCA website w.e.f 30th November 2021
Deepak Gupta | Dec 1, 2021 |
MCA Updates eForm DIR-3 KYC MCA website w.e.f 30th November 2021
Ministry of Corporate Affairs MCA Updated on eForm DIR-3 KYC w.e.f 30th November 2021 on MCA Website. Please use updated DIR-3 KYC Form for Compliance Purpose.
As per MCA, any director who was given a DIN by or on 31st March 2018 and whose DIN is in Active status, will have to submit his KYC details to the MCA. This procedure is also required for directors who have been disqualified.
From the Financial Year 2019-20 onwards, any director who has been assigned a DIN on or before the end of the financial year and whose DIN is in Active status must file form DIR-3 KYC by September 30th of the next financial year.
eForm DIR-3 KYC is required to be filed pursuant to Rule 12A and Rule 11(2) and (3) of The Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 which is reproduced for your reference.
As part of updating its registry, MCA would be conducting KYC of all Directors of all companies annually through the eform DIR-3 KYC. Accordingly, every Director who has been allotted DIN on or before 31st March, 2018 and whose DIN is in ‘Approved’ status, would be mandatorily required to file form DIR-3 KYC on or before 15th Spetember,2018.
Rule 12A:
Every individual who has been allotted a Director Identification Number (DIN) as on 31st march of a financial year as per these rules shall, submit e-form DIR-3-KYC to the Central Government on or before 30th April of immediate next financial year.
Rule 11(2):
The Central Government or Regional Director (Northern Region), or any officer authorised by the Central Government or Regional Director (Northern Region) shall, deactivate the Director Identification Number (DIN), of an individual who does not intimate his particulars in e-form DIR-3-KYC within stipulated time in accordance with rule 12A.
Rule 11(3):
The de-activated DIN shall be re-activated only after e-form DIR-3-KYC is filed along with fee as prescribed under Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014.
Updated DIR-3 KYC can be downloaded from Below Link.
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