MPPSC invited Online Applications from Candidates Eligible for Recruitment on Food Analyst and Drug Analyst Posts in the PHFWD under the MoHFW.
Satish Chandra | Jan 27, 2023 |
MPPSC Recruitment 2023: Monthly Salary 206900, Check Posts, How to Apply, Other Imp details
MPPSC Recruitment 2023: The Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) has invited Online Applications from Candidates meeting Eligibility for Recruitment on the Food Analyst and Drug Analyst Posts in the Public Health & Family Welfare Department (PHFWD) under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Madhya Pradesh Government.
There are 11 (04 Plus 07) Vacancies inclusive of 05 (02 Plus and 03) Vacancies earmarked for the Un-Reserved Category Candidates are to be filled up with Food Analyst under the Pay Scale Rs.67300 -206900 and Drug Analyst under the Pay Scale Rs.56100 -177500 in the Public Health & Family Welfare Department, Madhya Pradesh Government.
Amongst the Eligible Candidates, those who convincingly satisfy the Eligibility Criteria in respect of Food Analyst/Drug Analyst Posts notified under the MPPSC Recruitment 2023 Notification, and are Willing to apply may proceed to complete the Online Recruitment Application Process.
All the Eligible and Intending Candidates to complete the Online Registration/Applications Process may apply following the Instructions mentioned in the MPPSC Recruitment 2023 Advertisement issued for the Purpose.
The Last Date for the the Candidates to complete Online Application Process with Testimonials in PDF Format and Remittance of the Application Fee, etc., shall close on 24th February 2023 (24.02.2023). The Last Date in respect of such Registered Candidates for submission of the Online Application Printout in the shape of Hard Copy coupled with the Essential Documents shall terminate on 9th March 2023 (09.03.2023).
As per the MPPSC Recruitment 2023 Notification, 11 Posts shall be filled up with appointment of Suitably Eligible Candidates in the Food Analyst and Drug Analyst Positions.
Post Names:
1) Food Analyst: 04 Vacancies
2) Drug Analyst: 07 Vacancies
Main Post-related Responsibility to discharge the functions includes conducting duties as follows:
1) Food Analyst (Gazetted Class-I Post): To discharge the functions under Section 46 of of the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006.
2) Drug Analyst Gazetted Class-II Post): To conduct Testing/getting Medicines and Cosmetics and issuing Reports
In view of the MPPSC Recruitment 2023 Advertisement, post Selection, the Candidates would be entitled to the Pay Scale notified hereunder:
Pay Scale:
01) Food Analyst: Pay Scale Rs.67300 -206900
02) Drug Analyst: the Pay Scale Rs.56100 -177500
Post-Selection as Medical Officer Personnel would be entitled to the Salary under the Pay Scale stated hereinabove.
As per the MPPSC Recruitment 2023 Notifications, the Candidates should be aged as explained hereunder:
i) The Un-Reserved (General) Category Candidate (As On 01.01.2023) should aged Minimum 21 Years and must not exceed 40 Years.
ii) Relaxations in the Upper Age Limits for Reserved Community Candidates as per the Government Rules also mentioned in the MPPSC Recruitment 2023 Advertisement.
Maximum (Superannuation) Age: 62 Years
Educational Qualifications:
The Candidate should have in possession the Educational Qualification explained hereunder:
1) Essential Qualification:
Note: Post-related Educational Qualification, Experiences, etc., explained in detail may be read hereunder:
Essential Educational Qualification and Experience:
A) Food Analyst: Post Graduated Degree in Chemistry/Biochemistry/Dairy Chemistry/Microbiology/Food Technology/Food and Nutrition from the Government of India Accredited University;
Bachelor’s Degree in Dairy/Oil or Animal Science/Post-Qualifying the Food Analyst Cadre Examination conducted by the Chemists’ Association of the Government of India and should be a Co-Associate of the Government of India Chemist’s Association. Or
Equivalent Qualification Accredited or Notified by the Central Government for such purposes. And
Minimum 03 Years’ Experience as Food Analyst
B) Should have been declared as Qualified to be appointed as Food Analyst by the Tribunal authorized/appointed any Scheduled Board.
Drug Analyst:
Essential Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Science or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry from any of the Central Government AccredIted University/Equivalent Institution; Or
Minimum Post-Qualification 05 Years’ Experience in Drug Testing Laboratory should be that is controlled
i) Act (Drug and Cosmetics Act 190) appointed Government Analyst; Or
ii) Should be a Head of the Institution or Laboratory recommended by the Appointment Official; Or
ii) Post-Graduate/Master’s Degree in Medical Science or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry from any of the Central Government Accredted University/Equivalent Institution; Or
Should have qualified/passed Associateship Diploma in oen Subject of Analysis of Drugs and Pharmaceutical conducted by the Institution of Chemist (India).
As per the MPPSC Recruitment 2023 Notification, Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission shall conduct a Common Objective-Type Written Examination aimed at shortlisting the Candidates for subsequent Interview.
Selection into Food Analyst and Drug Analysts Posts shall be carried out by way of Interviews. The Interview carries Maximum 100 Marks.
The Minimum Qualifying Marks to be secured out of the Total 100 Marks of Interview by the Candidates are as follows:
01: UR/General Category: 41% Marks
02: All other Reserved Category/Community Candidates: 31% Marks
Payment Gateway: Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/RuPay
i) For Un-Reserved Category Candidates with Domicile in Madhya Pradesh: Rs. 500.00 Plus Rs.40.00 (GST Charges)
ii) All the Categories and Communities irrespective of Reserved Communities from the States other than Madhya Pradesh: Rs. 500.00 Plus Rs.40.00 (GST Charges)
iii) Reserved Communities: Rs. 250.00 Plus Rs. 40.00 (GST)
i) Log on to the MPPSC Website to initiate the Online Application Process.
ii) Upload the Scanned Particulars (Signature, Photograph) and Self-attested Documents (Educational and other Relevant Documents) in PDF File.
iii) Complete the Online Registration with Remittance of Examination Fee Payment.
All the Registered Candidates shall need for submission of the Online Application Printout in the shape of Hard Copy coupled with the Essential Documents enclosed in Sealed Envelope superscripted as “Application for the Post <Name> in <Department Name>, Madhya Pradesh shall terminate on 9th March 2023 (09.03.2023).
The Candidates’ Online Application Registration should concur with Payment of the Application Fee and uploading of all the essential Testimonials including Scanned Signatures, Photographs, with the Matriculation Certificate or Marks-Statement (indicating the Applicant’s Authenticated Birth-Date), all other Qualifications, Experience related Documents, as well mentioned in MPPSC Recruitment 2023 Advertisement.
Application Receipt Address: The Office of The Secretary, Madhya Pradesh, Residency Area, Daly College Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452 001
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