NCERT Recruitment 2023: Check Posts, Age, Qualification, and Walk-in-Interview Details
NCERT Recruitment 2023: The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is looking for qualified individuals to appoint to the Post of Sr. Research Associate (SRA) and Junior Project Fellow (JPF) on a purely temporary basis in different Projects approved by the PAB & PAC for the year 2022-23. There are 04 vacancies for the Posts in total, one for each post. The candidates will be appointed on a contractual basis for a period specified upto 31st March 2023.
The interview will be conducted on 09/02/2023 (10.30 am) and the other details are as given below:
Registration time: Between 9.30 a.m. To 11.00 a.m.
(Candidates appearing after 11.00 a.m for the Interview will not be entertained)
Venue of Interview: Department of Elementary Education (DEE), 4th Floor, Room No. 418, G.B. Pant Block, NCEM, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016.
Note: The candidate who has already worked as Junior Project Fellow (JPF) in the Council for two years and more need not apply again.