SSB is looking for desirous and willing candidates for the post of Assistant Commandant (Communication). There are 13 vacant seats. The closing date to submit the online application is 30 days from the date of released notification.
Khushi Vishwakarma | Sep 6, 2023 |
SSB Recruitment 2023: Monthly Salary up to 177500, Check Vacancies, Post, Age, Qualification and How to Apply
SSB Recruitment 2023: Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) is looking for desirous and willing candidates for the post of Assistant Commandant (Communication). As per the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2023, there are 13 vacancies open for the given post. The selected candidates will get a monthly salary on Level-10 in the Pay Scale of Rs.56100-177500. Candidates will be chosen based on their performance in the examination. The application fee is Rs.400. The examination fee is waived for SC/ST, ex-servicemen, and female applicants. The payment will be done using net banking, credit card, or debit card.
As per the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2023, candidate should not exceeding the age of 35 years to apply for the mentioned post. Candidate should have a degree in Telecommunication Engineering or Electrical Communication Engineering or Electronics from a recognized University or Institute or Associate Member of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineer or Associate member of the Institution of Engineers or equivalent or M.Sc. in Electronics or Telecommunication or Information Technology or Computer Science or equivalent from a recognized University or All India Council for Technical Education approved Institution. As given in the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2023, candidates who are interested and eligible must apply online through the official website on or before the deadline. No other application mode will be considered.
In accordance with the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2023, there are 13 openings to be filled for the post of Assistant Commandant (Communication).
As stated in the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2023, the maximum age limit is not exceeding 35 years. Relaxation of up to 05 years for Govt. servants, in accordance with the orders issued by the central Govt. from time to time.
As per the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2023, the candidate should have a degree in Telecommunication Engineering or Electrical Communication Engineering or Electronics from a recognized University or Institute or Associate Member of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineer or Associate member of the Institution of Engineers or equivalent or M.Sc. in Electronics or Telecommunication or Information Technology or Computer Science or equivalent from a recognized University or All India Council for Technical Education approved Institution.
As given in the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2023, the selected candidates will be paid a monthly salary on Level-10 in the Pay Scale of Rs.56100-177500.
As mentioned in the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2023, the candidates will be selected on the basis of marks obtained in the examination.
According to the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2023, the application fee is Rs.400. The SC/ST, Ex-serviceman and Female candidates are exempted from the payment of the examination fee. The payment will be made through net banking/credit card/debit card.
In accordance with the official notification of SSB Recruitment 2023 notification, interested and eligible candidates have to submit their application online through the official website on or before the last date. No other mode of application will be considered.
The last date to submit the online application is 30 days from the date of released notification.
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