The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) will conduct the final written examination 2023 for SCT SIs (Civil) and equivalent Posts on 8th and 9th April 2023. The admit card will release on 3rd April
AASHISH KUMAR JHA | Apr 2, 2023 |
TSLPRB Final Written Exam 2023: Dates Announced, Admit Cards Releasing on 3rd April
TSLPRB Final Written Exam 2023: The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) has released the final written examination 2023 dates for SCT SIs (Civil) and equivalent Posts. The TSLPRB has also released the examination dates of two Papers for SCT SI (IT&CO), SCT SI (PTO), and SCT ASI (FPB). According to the official notification dated 01/04/2023, the TSLPRB final written examination 2023 will be conducted on the 8th and 9th of April 2023. The TSLPRB conducts examinations to recruit suitable candidates for the post of constables and SI (Sub Inspectors) in various departments of the Telangana Police.
As per the official notification, the TSLPRB will release the admit cards for the TSLPRB final written examination on 3rd April 2023. Candidates will be able to download their admit cards from the official website, once released. Candidates will be able to download their respective admit cards from 8 am on 3rd April to midnight (12 am) on 6th April 2023. The admit card will contain details like the exam date and time, exam center, candidates’ details, etc. Students should cross-check all the details mentioned on the admit card. In case of any error, aspirants are advised to report the concerned authorities immediately.
According to the official notification, The TSLRB has advised students to take a printout of the admit card for the TSLPRB final written examination 2023 on an A4 size paper on both sides. Candidates must affix his/her passport-size photograph (as uploaded in the online application form) on Admit Card at the given space (left-bottom area of the first page of admit card). Admit Cards without the affixed passport-size photo will be considered invalid, and such candidates will not be allowed to enter the exam hall.
As per the TSLPRB Final Written Examination 2023 official notification, the English/Telugu/Urdu language papers will be qualifying in nature. Marks scored in these papers will not be considered in the final selection. Candidates must secure the minimum marks in these qualifying papers, otherwise, they will not be considered in the further selection process. The language paper will consist of two parts: Part A and Part B. The detailed pattern of the language question paper is mentioned below:
Part A: Candidates will have to answer these questions by bubbling the OMR sheet
Part B: Candidates will have to write descriptive answers in the space provided in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet.
Candidates who have applied for the TSLPRB recruitment can download their TSLPRB final written exam 2023 admit cards by visiting the official website of the TSLPRB. Aspirants can download their admit cards after an official release by following the below-mentioned steps:
Step 1: Go to the official website
Step 2: Click on the TSLPRB Admit Card link on the home page
Step 3: Enter the required login details
Step 4: The admit card will appear on the screen
Step 5: Take a printout of the same for the exam purpose
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