EPFO Notifies Procurement of Goods and Services from GeM

EPFO Notifies Procurement of Goods and Services from GeM

Reetu | Jul 2, 2022 |

EPFO Notifies Procurement of Goods and Services from GeM

EPFO Notifies Procurement of Goods and Services from GeM

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation(EPFO) Notifies Procurement of Goods and Services from GeM vide Circular No: PDU/1(6)2019/17 dated 1st July 2022.

The Circular is Given Below:

Attention is drawn to the provisions in Rule 149 of GFR 2017 wherein it has been specified that the Government of India has established the Government e­-Market place (GeM) for common use of Goods and Services. It has been mandated that “the Procurement of Goods and Services by Ministries or Departments will be mandatory for Goods and Services available on GeM.” This issue has been reiterated vide this office letter under reference (copy enclosed herewith).

2). However on analysis of the different items procured outside GeM by various field offices, it was observed many of the items were procured outside GeM on urgent basis, citing that they were not available on GeM at that point in time. However with a better planning, most of the items could be ‘procured through GeM.

3). The data of procurement of goods and services through GeM and outside of GeM for upto the quarter ending 15-06-2022 of this financial year, as received from the zones, has been scrutinised. And the following zones/ offices have procured less than 80% through GeM:

4). Therefore in the light of the above, the followings are reiterated:

i. The procurement from GeM is mandatory for goods and services available on GeM.

ii. The procurement of goods and services should be planned in such a way that the requirement for procurement outside GeM on urgent basis due to non-availability is minimised to the least.

iii. While procuring good and services from outside GeM due to non­availability, the report of lhe same from the GeM website should necessarily be kept on file.

5). The report of the procurement of goods and service from GeM and outside of GeM is being monitored by the ministry on fortnightly basis. Hence the field offices may ensure that the above instructions are followed scrupulously and ensure that the percentage of procurement of goods and services through GeM is improved upon.

For Official Circular Download PDF Given Below:

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