MCA Internal Audit Empanelment for Chartered Accountant Firms

MCA Internal Audit Empanelment for Chartered Accountant Firms

Reetu | Oct 27, 2021 |

MCA Internal Audit Empanelment for Chartered Accountant Firms

MCA Internal Audit Empanelment for Chartered Accountant Firms

The Municipal Corporation Adityapur Invited Application from Chartered Accountants for Internal Audit.


1. The Additional Chief Secretary. Urban Development and Housing Department, Government of Jharkhand (GoJ), provides guidance to Municipal Corporations, Nagar Parishad, Nagar Panchayat and NACs in performing their day to day activities in adherence to the policies, procedures and guidelines provided by the Urban Development and Housing Department, to achieve effective good urban governance.

2. The Department, in its supervisory role, monitors the functioning of the ULBs against key parameters such as the tax collections, project and civic works executed, the implementation of the schemes of the Government, Urban Reform implementation etc. It also includes the supervision of the regulatory and developmental functions of the ULBs.

3. The 7 4th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 (CAA) gave constitutional status to ULBs in India and empowered them to function as local self-governments to provide good urban governance. One of the many facts of improved good urban governance is maintaining of complete set of accounting records to ensure accountability and transparency in all government functions. This necessitates all ULBs to convert their existing accounting and financial management system to such methods which have wide acceptance.

4. Subsequent to the 74th Constitutional Amendment, the role and functions of the ULBs has vastly expanded. The Central and State Governments, as also other agencies, have been providing the ULBs large sums of money to enable them to effectively discharge their duties and functions. The national reforms agenda for the urban sector includes reforms in municipal accounting practices and strengthening of financial discipline. As a step in this direction, it is proposed to introduce a system of Internal Audit. Internal audit will assists in improving the accountability of use funds and provide a deterrent to malpractice or mismanagement.

5. The last date for submission of proposal is 02.11.2021 upto 12.00 (Online)

6. All communications should be addressed to 🙁 To the Commissioner/ E.O., Name and Address of ULB)

The Addi. Municipal Commissioner.
Municipal Corporation, Adityapur
Kalpanapuri, Adityapur Industrial Area, Adityapur


Name of the Work :

Selection of Chartered Accountant/ Cost Accountant Firms For Internal Audit of Municipal Corporation, Adityapur

Descriptions and Objectives of the Assignments :

Internal Audit to assist in improving the accountability of use Funds and provide a deterrent to malpractice or mismanagement.

Language of Documentation :


Mode of submission of bids :


Tender Document Fee :

5,000.00 (Non Refundable)

Earnest Money :

25,000.00 (Refundable)

Method of Selection :

“LCS (Least cost Selection method)

Total time Period :

3 Years

Date of starting of Online Sale/downloading of Tender :


Date of Start of Submission of Online Bids :


Last Date/Time for submission of Bids :

02.11.2021 Till 12:00 pm


Technical capabilities:

1. Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant Firm should have more than 5 years of experience of working in the Internal and statutory audit of Books of Accounts/ABDEAS in ULBs/ other Government sector/PSUs in India.

2. The Firm must be registered with ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India)/ ICWAI (Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India) and operational in India since last 5 (Five) years from the date of publish of this RFP and must remain operational thereafter.

3. The firm should have at least 3 Chartered Accountants/Cost Accountants and 10 (Ten) employees including articles on their payroll.

4. The Firm must not have been blacklisted or Debarred by any state Govt. /Govt. Agency/PSU/Gol during last three years from time of submission of tender. The firm must submit an affidavit to this effect signed by authorized signatory as mentioned in the RFP.

5. Joint venture with other firms is not permitted for this assignment.

Financial capacity

Average Annual turnover of the Firm from Consultancy services in last 3 (three) Financial years (2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20) must be equal or greater than 5 Lakhs (Five Lakhs) per annum.


Applicant Finns are required to furnish all information and documents, as called for in this Document, in English Language. Any printed literature furnished by the Applicant Firm may be in another language, provided that this literature is accompanied by an English translation, in which case, for the purpose of interpretation of the document, the English version duly authenticated will prevail.


The original Proposal shall be printed, typed or written in ink, and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Applicant Firm. All pages of the Proposal and where entries or amendments have been made shall be initialled by the person or persons signing the Proposal.

The Proposal shall ordinarily contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with instructions issued by the Department, or as may be necessary to correct errors made by the applicant in which case the person or persons signing the Proposal shall initial such corrections.


The Applicant Firm shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Proposal, including cost of presentation for the purposes of clarification of the Proposal, if any.

Department in no case shall be responsible or liable for any such costs regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

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