UP Man Earning Rs 500 per day; Accused of Rs 366 Cr GST Fraud by GST officials

A 40-year-old man in Uttar Pradesh was left astonished to discover GST inspectors at his door and accused of stealing 366 crore rupees through tax fraud.

GST officials accused UP Businessman for GST fraud of Rs. 366 crore

Reetu | Jan 28, 2023 |

UP Man Earning Rs 500 per day; Accused of Rs 366 Cr GST Fraud by GST officials

UP Man Earning Rs 500 per day; Accused of Rs 366 Cr GST Fraud by GST officials

A 40-year-old man in Uttar Pradesh who earns a living by selling garments on the streets of Muzaffarnagar for an average daily profit of about 500 rupees was astonished to discover GST inspectors at his door and accused of stealing 366 crore rupees through tax fraud.

Ejaz Ahmad, the street vendor, has asked GST officials and other “higher authorities” to step in to resolve the situation after being shocked by the accusations.

Ahmad applied for a GST registration for a tiny scrap yard in Kawal village, which is within the jurisdiction of the Jansath police, two years prior. At first, he exchanged scraps for between Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 every day. However, he eventually quit his job as a scrap dealer owing to “losses” and began peddling clothing on the streets.

Even though I requested that the CA (chartered accountant) cancel that GST account, I’m not sure what transpired. For the past two years, I have been selling clothing. I used to purchase trash and distribute it across the city. I left home, though, and began selling clothes after my scrap business failed. Ahmad added, “I want the GST department to find out the genuine culprit behind this fraud.”

According to JS Shukla, the joint commissioner for the special investigation division of the GST department in west UP, “Bills worth over Rs 300 crore have been issued. There seems to be a lot of noise. There is a full investigation going on. A number of businesses and certain people are being scrutinised.

A few people are reporting that their company’s account number is being utilised by someone else, the GST official continued. Additionally, Ejaz Ahmad and his CA are being interrogated. More information won’t be available until the investigation is complete. Senior GST officers conducted a raid on the vendor’s home earlier this week. Ahmad later complained to the GST department even though he wasn’t home. He has given the department “all the details” and asked for a “fair investigation” into the situation.

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