ICSI approves ICSI Social Audit Standards

ICSI has approved ICSI Social Audit Standards covering all the sixteen areas of activities listed by the Regulatory Authorities.

ICSI Social Audit Standards

Reetu | Mar 18, 2023 |

ICSI approves ICSI Social Audit Standards

ICSI approves ICSI Social Audit Standards

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI) has approved the ICSI Social Audit Standards covering all the sixteen areas of activities listed by the Regulatory Authorities, where a Social Enterprise can operate to be eligible to register on the Social Stock Exchanges.

The ICSI has set up The ICSI Institute of Social Auditors (IISA) to empanel and regulate the registered Social Auditors. The Institute formulated the ICSI Social Audit Standards to provide guidance for conducting a Social Audit of Social Enterprises engaged in any of the activities as enumerated under Regulation 292E(2)(a) of SEBI (ICDR), Regulations, 2018.

Talking about the move, CS Manish Gupta, President, The ICSI said “While the government is providing all desired impetus to the country’s sustainable growth and development, the ICSI is leaving no stone unturned in fostering the implementation of policies and procedures aimed towards it. Reaffirming its mission, the ICSI is committed to developing professionals who are staying ahead of the curve.”

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