NDMA is inviting applications from eligible Indian candidates for the post of Consultant, Sr. Consultant and Lead Consultant. The application should reach on or before 30 days from the release of notification.
indira vinay | Apr 26, 2023 |
NDMA Recruitment 2023: Monthly Salary up to 250000, Check Post, Eligibility, Salary and How to Apply
NDMA Recruitment 2023: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is inviting applications from eligible Indian candidates for Consultant, Sr. Consultant and Lead Consultant positions. As per the NDMA Recruitment 2023 official notification, selected candidates will get a monthly salary up to Rs. 250000. Selected candidates will be posted in New Delhi. As per the NDMA Recruitment 2023 official notification, Retired government officials with matching education and experience, with a maximum age of 64 years and who have held a position with grade pay of INR 7600 or more may also apply. Retired Govt. employees engaged as consultants shall be regulated as per MOF, DOE OM No. 3-25/2020-E.III.A dated 09/12/2020.
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is India’s apex-level disaster management institution. Interested and eligible candidates must send their duly filled application along with all relevant documents to the address below. As per the NDMA Recruitment 2023 official notification, the application should reach on or before 30 days from the release of notification.
As per the NDMA Recruitment 2023 official notification, there are vacancies for Consultant, Sr. Consultant and Lead Consultant.
Mention below is the qualification and experience required for NDMA Recruitment 2023:
Project Manager
Candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree in Civil/ Electronics/Computers Engineering/Architecture and MBA/ M Tech. Candidates with MBA in Operations/ Finance/ IT, M.Tech in Constructions Management/Disaster Management will be preferred. Candidates should have Familiarity with Externally Aided Projects/World Bank aided Projects.
IT and Network Manager
Candidates should have an M Tech in Computer Science or Information Technology and MCA. Candidates having Ph. D.s in related fields will be given preference.
Communication Specialist
Candidates should have an M. Tech in Electronics & Communications/Tele Communications/ Networking Or a Master in Disaster Management with at least 5 years of work experience
in setting up of communication systems. Candidates having Ph. D. in related fields.
Engineering Specialist
Candidates should have an M-Tech in Structural Engineering. Candidates having Ph.D.s in related fields will be given preference.
Mention below is the maximum age limit for NDMA Recruitment 2023:
Mention below is the salary for NDMA Recruitment 2023:
Selected candidates will get a monthly salary between Rs. 75000-100000.
Sr. Consultant
Selected candidates will get a monthly salary between Rs. 125000-175000.
Lead Consultant
Selected candidates will get a monthly salary between Rs. 200000-250000.
As per the NDMA Recruitment 2023 official notification, interested and eligible candidates must send their duly filled application along with all relevant documents to the address mentioned below. No other mode of application will be accepted.
The Project Accountant & Administrative Officer, National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP), National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Government of India, 5th Floor, Chanderlok Building, 36 Janpath, New Delhi-110001
The application should reach on or before 30 days from the release of notification. An incomplete application or the application received after the last date will be summarily REJECTED.
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