UIDAI urges residents to keep their documents updated in Aadhaar issued 10 years back

UIDAI urges residents to keep their documents updated in Aadhaar issued 10 years back

UIDAI urges residents to update documents in Aadhaar

Reetu | Dec 26, 2022 |

UIDAI urges residents to keep their documents updated in Aadhaar issued 10 years back

UIDAI urges residents to keep their documents updated in Aadhaar issued 10 years back

The UIDAI has urged Indian Residents, who received their Aadhaar number more than ten years ago and haven’t updated it since, are to update their documents.

Residents can update their Aadhaar online through the myAadhaar portal or offline by going to the closest Aadhaar centre and uploading supporting documents (proof of identity and proof of address).

During the past decade, Aadhaar number has emerged as a universally accepted proof of identity of residents in India. More than 1100 government schemes and programs including 319 run by the central government use Aadhaar based identification for delivery of services.

Aadhaar is also used by numerous financial institutions, including banks and NBFCs, to authenticate and onboard customers in a seamless manner.

It is in the interest of the residents to keep their Aadhaars updated with current proof of identity and proof of address.

Updating the documents in Aadhaar makes life easier, improves service delivery, and allows for precise authentication. The Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Tenth Amendment) Regulations 2022, which were notified on November 09, 2022, were another step in the direction of UIDAI’s advice to residents to keep their records up-to-date.

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) once again urges and encourages residents to update their documents for continued accuracy of information in the Aadhaar database.


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