Maha DES Recruitment 2023: 260 Vacancies with Salary up to 122800 PM, Check Other Relevant Details

Maharashtra Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Planning Department has invited Online Applications for Asstt Research Officer, Stat Asstt and Investigator

Maha DES Recruitment 2023 for 03 Posts, 260 Vacancies with Monthly Salary up to 122800

Satish Chandra | Jul 18, 2023 |

Maha DES Recruitment 2023: 260 Vacancies with Salary up to 122800 PM, Check Other Relevant Details

Maha DES Recruitment 2023: 260 Vacancies with Salary up to 122800 PM, Check Other Relevant Details

Maha DES Recruitment 2023: The State Level Selection Committee (SLSC), Maharashtra Directorate of Economics and Statistics (Maha DES), Planning Department has invited Online Nominations/Applications from the Candidates with Eligibility for 03 Posts ;Assistant Research Officer [Group-B (Non-Gazetted)], Statistical Assistant and Investigator, Group-C by Nomination vide this Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement issued on 15.07.2023. The Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Notification has arisen for 260 Vacancies to be filled up with Post-Selection Appointments on 03 Posts; viz., Assistant Research Officer [Group-B (Non-Gazetted)], Statistical Assistant and Investigator, Group-C. As may be taken note that the all 03 Posts notified by the Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement carry the Pay Levels, such as Assistant Research Officer [Group-B (NG): S-14 Rs.38600-122800], Statistical Assistant [Group-C: S-10 Rs.29200-92300 And Investigator [Group-C: S-08 Rs.25500-81100] respectively. Based on the Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement, the Crucial Dates involve for the Online Application for Nomination to the Notified Posts are 15.07.2023 to 05.08.2023. Online Application is already in progress. Accordingly, the Last Date for completing the Online Application Formality shall terminate on 05.08.2023 to be read in the Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement issued for the purpose.

According to the Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement having arisen, Desirous Candidates with the Prescribed Eligibility for Assistant Research Officer [Group-B (Non-Gazetted)], Statistical Assistant and Investigator, Group-C in the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, may complete the Online Application Process within the Crucial Dates notified. The Applicants must ensure that they have satisfied the Mandatory Eligibility for all 03 Posts, i.e., Assistant Research Officer [Group-B (Non-Gazetted)], Statistical Assistant (Group ‘C’) and Investigator (Group ‘C’) to be filled up in the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Planning Department, Maharashtra Government. Hence, the Applicants must complete the Online Application Process well in time ahead of the Closing Date (05.08.2023) published in Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement. Subsequent to receipt of the Online Application after 05.08.2023, the State Level Selection Committee shall draw up the Selection List and Waiting List, therefore only Eligible Persons who have met the Desirable Eligibility prescribed for each Post must apply Online up to 05.07.2023.

Note: A Computer-Based Computer-Based Online Test shall be tentatively held in September 2023. Accordingly, the Candidates will be issued Call Letters for the same 07-10 Days before commencement of the Computer-Based Recruitment Test (CBRT).

Table of Content
  1. Post(s) and Vacancy/ies Information in Maha DES Recruitment 2023:
  2. Monthly Salary in Maha DES Recruitment 2023:
  3. Age Limits for Maha DES Recruitment 2023
  4. Eligibility for Maha DES Recruitment 2023:
  5. Selection Procedure under Maha DES Recruitment 2023:
  6. Examination Fee for Maha DES Recruitment 2023:
  7. Application Procedure for Maha DES Recruitment 2023:

Post(s) and Vacancy/ies Information in Maha DES Recruitment 2023:

The Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement has arisen for 03 Posts with 260 Vacancies to be filled up in the Maharashtra Directorate of Economics and Statistics as narrated hereunder:

Assistant Research Officer, Group-B (Non-Gazetted), Statistical Assistant and Investigator, Group-C by nomination in the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Planning Department, Maharashtra Government:

01: Assistant Research Officer [Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted)]: 39 Vacancies

02: Statistical Assistant [Group ‘C’]: 94 Vacancies

03: Investigator [Group ‘C’]: 127 Vacancies

Monthly Salary in Maha DES Recruitment 2023:

Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement has occurred with 03 Posts with the Pay Scales stipulated:

01: Assistant Research Officer Post: Pay Level S-14 (Rs.38600-122800)

02: Statistical Assistant Post: Pay Level S-10 (Rs.29200-92300)

03: Investigator Post: Group-C: S-08 (Rs.25500-81100)

Age Limits for Maha DES Recruitment 2023

Based on the Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement Official Advertisement issued the Age Limit as on 01.07.2023 for all 03 Posts, hence, the Same being Mandatory for the General Candidates should be read as follows:

Posts: Assistant Research Officer; Statistical Assistant; Investigator:

Age Limits:

i) Open Category: Minimum 18 Years and Maximum 38 Years

ii) Relaxations in the Upper Age Limits for Reserved Community Candidates and Others shall remain as mentioned in the Appended Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement.

iii) Age Relaxation Applicable to Meritorious Sportspersons is 05 Years.

Eligibility for Maha DES Recruitment 2023:

The Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement has mandated Multiple Eligibility comprising Educational Qualifications, among others as explained hereunder:

01) Assistant Research Officer Post:

Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics/Biometry/Mathematics/Economics/ Econometrics/Mathematics Economics/Commerce Or Post Graduate in the Allied Discipline; Or

Bachelor’s Degree with Minimum 45% Marks from any Institute duly recognized by the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI); Or Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR); Or Post Graduation in Numeracy.

02) Statistical Assistant Post:

Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics/Statistics/Econometrics; Or Post Graduate in the Allied Discipline; Or

Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics/Economics/Commerce/Statistics/Econometrics with Minimum 45% Marks from any University.

03) Investigator Post:

Educational Qualification: Senior Secondary/12th Pass out (Intermediate) from any Duly Recognized Board of Education.


i) DOEACC (Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses) Certificate Courses on Computer Concepts (CCC) ‘O’/’A’/’B’/’C’ Level Passed;

ii) Maharashtra State Certificate in Information Technology (MS-CIT) or Goa Common Entrance Test (GCET)

Best Players’ Sports Participation Eligibility:

The Candidates who have participated in any of the following Sports Events are also Eligible to apply and would be considered for Selection for Assistant Research Officer; Statistical Assistant; Investigator Posts explained in the Maha DES Recruitment 2023:

International Sports Organisation Mandated Individual Sports Representations:

01) The International Olympic Committee (IOC) held (Summer) Olympic Games

02) The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) organized Asian Games

03) The South Asian Olympic Council (SAOC) organized South Asian Federation (SAF) Games

04) The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) held Commonwealth Games (CwGs)

05) The International Olympic Committee Affiliated International Sports Federation held World Cup/World Championship

06) The International School Sports Federation (ISSF) held International School Games/Championship

07) The Asian School Sports Federation (ASSF) organized Asian School Games/Championship; Or

08)The Meritorious Sports Persons may have won

i) any Medal in the School Games Federation of India (SGFI) organized School National Games in either Individual or Team Competition; Or

ii) any Medal in the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) or its Affiliated National Sports Federation (NSF) organized National Tournament/ Championship in either Individual or Team Competition; Or

iii) any Medal in the Association of Indian Universities (AIUs) All-India Inter-University (AIIU) organized National Tournament/Championship in either Individual or Team Competition; Or

iv) any Medal representing Rajasthan in the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) Or Para Olympic Committee of India Or its Affiliated National Sports Federation (NSF) organized National Championship/Para National Championship/National Games/National Para Games Tournament/Championship in either Individual or Team Competition.

Selection Procedure under Maha DES Recruitment 2023:

The Selection Process for all 03 Posts Assistant Research Officer; Statistical Assistant; Investigator notified vide Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement involves a Computer-Based Online Test followed by preparation of the Selection-cum-Merit List.  The State Level Selection Committee shall draw up a Common Merit List in respect of all 03 Posts. The Objective-Type Multiple Choice Questions Based Written Test will carry Maximum 200 Marks. The Written Examination shall comprise 04 Parts (Marathi, English, General Knowledge and Intelligence Test ) and Subject-Based Paper.

The Minimum Qualifying Marks to be obtained in each Part are 50 and an Aggregate 45% Marks all Parts. There shall be No Interviews, hence, Merit List would be drawn up. Such Shortlisted Candidates shall be invited to participate in the Oral Test.

Examination Fee for Maha DES Recruitment 2023:

Examination Fee:

i) Open Market Candidate: Rs.1000.00 (Rupees One Thousand) only

ii) Reserved Community Candidate: Rs.900.00 (Rupees Nine Hundred) only

iii) Ex-Service-Men Personnel: Exempted

The Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement has mandated Remittance/Payment of the Requisite Examination Fee through E-Payment Gateway Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards, Mobile Wallet.

Application Procedure for Maha DES Recruitment 2023:

The Maha DES Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement mandates Online Application Process. The Online Application Submission Process involves 02 Activities, comprising Online Remittance of the Examination/ Application Fee and uploading of all the Documents in a Scanned PDF (Portable Document Format) File.

The Applicants must ensure that they have fulfilled both Educational and Professional Qualifications as well as Desirable Eligibility prescribed for the Posts. The Last Date for completing Online Application by the Intending and Eligible Candidates is 05.08.2023.

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